Daniel Bustamante Profile picture
Full Stack Internet Builder. Day Job: Helping @dickiebush & @nicolascole77 scale to $10mm. Side Hustle: Building https://t.co/lU7TRJJBGM
4 subscribers
May 27, 2022 9 tweets 11 min read
I make a living building stuff with no-code.

But I've never bought a “no-code course.”

Because truth is, 95% of the information you need can be found on the web for free.

So here're my 5 go-to resources to become a money-making no-code builder for $0: 1/ @makerpad by @bentossell.

Makerpad is the de facto no-code university.

They have HUNDREDS of great tutorials covering dozens of different tools & use cases.

On top of that, they recently launched a free no-code fundamentals course:

May 21, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
I’ve published a Twitter thread or an essay every day for the past 30 days.

And in the process, my writing accumulated 1,000,000+ views.

Here’s a recap of my most-read 7 threads & how they can help you

(On online courses, content repurposing & automation): 5 frameworks to help you launch a money-making online course

(from 5 course creators who've done $5M+ in sales together):

May 20, 2022 9 tweets 11 min read
Over the past 15 months, I've spent 1,000+ hours operating a 7-figure online course.

During this time, I've tried 50+ tools.

And truth is, you only need 6 to launch your first course.

So stop wasting time choosing & start with these: 1/ @carrd

Don't waste time building a fancy website.

Instead, use Carrd to build your first sales page quickly.

Easy to use, functional & highly affordable.
May 19, 2022 8 tweets 8 min read
Online courses can make life-changing money.

But most of them flop miserably.

So I curated 5 frameworks from creators who’ve done $5M+ in sales together.

Read these if you want to launch a successful course (instead of wasting years "learning"): Ship 30 is the fastest-growing cohort-based course online.

But before Ship 30, @dickiebush had never built a course.

Many of the frameworks that helped him pull it off actually came from another course:

May 18, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
Twitter is a lead goldmine for freelancers.

But manually extracting data from Twitter profiles sucks.

So I built a Zapier automation that does it for you.

Here's how it works (and how to steal my template): The Problem

With a couple keywords + advanced search, you can find dozens of potential customers on Twitter.

The problem is moving the data from Twitter to a database or CRM.

That's what this automation can help with.
May 17, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
Dear Course Creator,

What happens after your students complete your online course?

If you just let them go & move on with their life, you’re losing big $$$.

Here’re 4 ideas to 2x your student’s lifetime value (even if you suck at marketing): Idea 1: Send Them A Survey

New student completed your course?

Use @typeform & @zapier to automatically send them a survey.

Make sure

• They had a great experience
• You're delivering the promised outcomes • You gather data & ideas for new products
May 16, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
No trust, no sale.

That's why adding social proof to your sales page is key.

But collecting testimonials is hard - especially if you do it manually.

So here’re 2 tools to help you automate it (so you can sell more without more work): The first tool: @testimonialto

Testimonial is the easiest way to collect social proof from your customers.

You can:

• Create a landing page with prompts
• Have all your testimonials in 1 place
• Embed your testimonials on your website

All without writing a line of code 🤯
May 13, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Thinking of launching a paid community?

There are hundreds of community platforms out there.

And honestly, most of them suck. Believe me, I’ve tried them!

If you wanna build an engaged & profitable community, try this tool: Quick background:

I run the @ship30for30 community (1,000+ members).

And over the last year, I’ve run different communities in:

• Slack
• Podia
• Circle
• Discord

I’ve also used other tools like Mighty Networks as a consumer.
May 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I spent months testing content repurposing tools.

Now, I can turn any long-form video or audio into 20+ new pieces of content.

Best part: 50%+ of the process is automated.

Here're the 6 tools I use (which save me 10+ hours/week): Tool: @googledrive

How it helps:

Drive is our file warehouse.

We have a backup file of every single piece of content we publish.

If something bad happens or we want to reuse a file in the future, it's right there.
May 5, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
How to create life-changing career opportunities for yourself

(when you're a broke 20-year-old without a fancy college degree): Here’s my promise:

By the end of this thread, you will walk away with a step-by-step blueprint for creating (not finding) life-changing opportunities:

• Get paid to learn
• Build high-leverage skills
• Build a foundation for wealth building

But, more importantly...
May 3, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Digital Leverage, a life-changing concept.

Explained in 8 visuals by @jackbutcher

1. “Earn with your mind, not your time.” Image 2. Labor vs Leverage Image
May 2, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I run a Circle community of 1,000+ members.

This could easily be a full-time job.

Luckily, Circle has a Zapier integration.

Here are 10 ways I use Zapier to automate our community operations & save myself 20+ hours/week: Image 1. Automatic Partner Matching

I built a Zap that connects 2 random members of our community on-demand.

They just need to leave a comment on a post to opt-in for a match.

Then, we send them a group DM introducing them to each other.

And all of this happens inside Circle.
Apr 26, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Zapier is the best tool you can learn as a non-technical solopreneur.

Once you know how to use it, it will you save you time, effort & money — forever.

But where to start?

No worries — here are the 5 best resources to help you master Zapier quickly (and for free)🧵 1/ Zapier University by @zapier

What you’ll learn: Automation 101 & popular Zapier features

Apr 25, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Digital Automation is the easiest high-leverage skill to learn in 2022.

You can learn it in just a few weeks and it will save you time & money *forever.*

But 99% get it wrong.

To unlock its power, you gotta overcome these 5 automation myths first: Myth 1: “You need a technical background!”


There's no pre-required knowledge to learn & benefit from no-code automation.

Personally, I couldn't write a line of code if my life depended on it!
Mar 2, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
The best tool to automate your business:


Here’s how to start automating the boring, manual tasks you HATE using Zapier🧵 Why Choose Zapier?

• Easy to use and learn
• Hundreds of pre-built templates
• Friendly for non-technical founders
• Can transfer existing data between apps
• 3k+ integrations (more than any other tool)
Feb 26, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
The secret to build a HUGE multi-channel audience:

Content Repurposing.

But doing this manually takes HOURS.

You should automate it.

Here are 18 workflows you could automate today, so you can grow faster without doing more work 🧵 All the automation ideas I’m going to share are pre-made on @ifttt.

You can ”grab” any of these templates for free with just 2 clicks.

And if you already use another tool, you can draw inspiration from these!
Feb 25, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
2021: Working 50+ hours/week, burned out, drowning in busywork.

2022: Working 25 hours/week, happy, doing mostly creative, high-leverage work.

Here’s how I went from busy to leveraged in less than a year (and how you can, too) 🧵 My journey hasn’t been linear.

I’ve tried so many different hacks, tips, tools, techniques, systems.

Some worked, most didn’t.

But after a lot of reflection, I realized there were 4 key things that made all the difference.

And that’s what I’m going to share with you.
Jan 25, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
In 2021, I made dozens of new internet friends.

But since I lacked a system, I struggled to stay in touch with most of them.

So this week I built a simple no-code automation to fix that.

Here’s how you can use it to manage your personal relationships in Notion 🧵 Quick preface before we dive into the automation:

Pre-covid, I never thought I’d do Zoom calls with strangers from the internet.

But sure enough I did.

And tbh, it’s been super cool and enriching.
Jan 17, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
One of my fitness goals for 2022 is to run a sub 7 minute mile.

So I built a no-code automation that tracks my running stats for me.

Here’s how you can use it to track your progress 🧵 Image This automation uses 3 tools:

@airtable as database
@Strava as fitness tracker
@zapier for doing the magic 🪄

You can use this workflow with the free plan of all 3 of these tools. Image
Jan 14, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Launching a freebie soon?

I built a no-code automation that will help you get more traction & save you hours of work.

Here's how it works 🧵 There's a great growth hack for launching freebies on Twitter:

Prompt people to reply to your launch tweet in exchange for DMing them access to your product.

This a great example:
Jan 12, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I have a confession to make:

When I launched my first Gumroad product, I didn’t feel comfortable promoting it.

So I built a Zapier automation that would take care of it for me.

Here’s how it works - and how you can use it to sell more on autopilot 🧵 This automation uses 3 tools:

• Twitter* for promotion
@gumroad to host your product
@zapier to make the magic 🪄

*You could also add other social platforms like FB or LinkedIn to this workflow. Image