David Canellis Profile picture
editor @blockworks_, priors: @thenextweb @protos data, markets, takes | david@blockworks.co
Apr 10, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
a16z lists 95 crypto companies in its portfolio.

38 have issued their own tokens*

Here’s how those cryptocurrencies have performed this bull market. The star performers aren’t what you think.

🧵 First, some disclaimers: Don’t conflate all this with how a16z’s actual portfolio is doing.

The equity they hold in crypto startups, with or without tokens, isn’t publicly available.

Neither are the details of the tokens holdings, allocations, vesting schedules, cost basis.
Mar 2, 2023 47 tweets 12 min read
1/ Is OKB really the seventh largest cryptocurrency?

You can’t answer that question without verifying OKB’s supply.

🕵️‍♀️  Here’s what happened when I tried to do exactly that 🕵️‍♀️ 2/ One year ago, OKB was ranked 29th by market value on CoinGecko.

Ever since FTX collapsed in November, it’s been on a rampage.

One year ago it was rank 29, about the same as FTM and XLM. Not exactly a blue chip token.
Jan 5, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
We're about two months away from the longest bitcoin bear market in history.

How do I know? My latest for @Blockworks_ features a quick and basic model for determining the start and end of bear markets.

It works like this: 👇 Image Half-based on TradFi definitions, bear markets begin when an asset trades 20% below its previous high for two months or more.

The bear's last day is when it trades 20% above previous lows for more than one month

Chart above shows bitcoin bull and bears in full.
Aug 29, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
So $CLOUT tokens are now worth ~70% less than the price Nader last sold them to impressionable noobs direct via his website.

He was supported by the most prominent VCs and thought leaders in crypto.

This happened in 2021, four years after Dentacoin. Why didn't they know better? ~950 BTC has been siphoned from #BitClout's operational wallet, worth ~$38 million at the time of withdrawal. All sent to exchanges like Binance and Kraken.

Nader has admitted the BTC was sold for fiat. $38 million in less than a year, to develop a platform that barely works.