How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App conservative position is simple: The free market is sacred and owners of capital earn money by assuming risk, but also they should be bailed out if their investment fails, and also they shouldn't face any tax burden if their investment is too successful. there are 7,500 ballots left in Pueblo, Frisch would only need to win them by his current 55-45 margin there to do that (without losing ground from stragglers elsewhere). But we had several updates from Pueblo yesterday and each was almost exactly a 50-50 split. facts here are open and shut. O’Dea straightforwardly suggested “a reduction in some of those programs” in response to a direct question about Social Security and Medicare and “those third rails of politics.” O’Dea’s campaign may wish he hadn’t said that, but he did. of anyone telling you that modest or incremental progress doesn’t matter because we only have a narrow window to act. Despite what is (forgivably!) implied by some rhetoric, the climate crisis is not a ticking time bomb. effort by this talk-radio ding-dong to try to frame what is obviously the politically expedient thing for O'Dea to do as some act of bravery… used to be two basic guardrails on the ability of even fairly powerful political figures to abhor and ignore the press: 1) the soft power of norms, decorum, the shared desire to live in a free, informed, small-d democratic society, and more importantly,, I don’t think it had a major impact on what we were able to report to readers. Key events inside were widely shared, and the long lines to get in meant I got to spend an hour outside talking to a couple dozen delegates and attendees.