Defunct Mayhem Profile picture
Jack Fisher is an independent writer. @Jack_Fisher_4
Mar 23, 2021 158 tweets 20 min read
A quick timeline before the meeting:
JAN. 17/19
After teasing an announcement for the post-secondary sector for weeks and with the end of the old corridor-agreement nearing, the province made its first announcement vaguely outlining the new direction it hoped to take PSE in. FEB. '19
The CFS announces their new campaign aimed at informing students about tuition cuts, cuts to services, and to lobby respective governments on behalf of students.
Apr 22, 2020 65 tweets 19 min read
Alright Twitter, we're back on this.
We're listening to the #UofG Board of Governors meeting where they will be voting on the finance committee's plan to divest money in the endowment fund from fossil fuel companies.
Motion on page 13:…

LIVE THREAD The meeting has not started yet, but the public phone line is operational.
Board members are beginning to join the meeting.
As with so many other online meeting services, not everyone has a clear connection and some audio is bound to be choppy for listeners.