How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App like AOC's inside game may not be getting her the power she was expecting. has been tweeting and then deleting tweets referring to Jimmy Dore all day. It's really wild. Jimmy was not that critical of him in the video. Certainly not compared to how critical he was towards other people. is one of the most convoluted arguments I've ever read. She's saying people could vote for the bill even though they know it's not going to pass and then you can't "hold them accountable" for your SUSPICIONS about them., that picture is kind of hard to parse, I initially thought it was just picture of an Australian troop petting a sheep, but he's apparently actually beheading someone who's face is covered in an aussie flag who is holding the sheep?? A bit over the top, IMO. save boys are mad they can't just talk about Russia Russia Russia for the next 18 months because no one gives a shit now that we know there was no actual collusion