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Dec 18, 2020 21 tweets 6 min read
Wow, Nomiki Konst REALLY hates Jimmy Dore. She goes FULL BAPPIN and accuses jimmy of TAKING ASSAD MONEY.

Most of her criticism is, like, really elitist. She seems to think that he's somehow 'sucking away' people who should be being lead by people with "backgrounds" (i.e her?) I looked it up and apparently there is a bellingcat report about some charity that gives out media awards which, and gave one to Jimmy Dore worth $2500, doesn't exactly seem like a huge scandal.
Dec 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Someone quote tweeted this and I thought it was some kind of mashup of a sports/politics joke but apparently AOC lost an internal election to head the dem steering committee Looks like AOC's inside game may not be getting her the power she was expecting.
Dec 17, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read

Has Jimmy Dore flown too close to the sun? Sirota has been tweeting and then deleting tweets referring to Jimmy Dore all day. It's really wild. Jimmy was not that critical of him in the video. Certainly not compared to how critical he was towards other people.
Dec 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This quote from AOC in this intercepted interview is pretty wild, she's explicitly calling out the fact that dem voters are terrified of actually voting or what they actually want,

But on the other hand she's encouraging it with her excuses on her speaker vote Here's the interview. Interestingly she's a lot harsher on the democratic party in this interview, but she never seems to call them out on twitter, just complaining about the republicans.
Dec 17, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Imagine actually arguing that ACTUALLY PASSING MEDICARE 4 ALL IN THE HOUSE would be a waste of time.

Imagine AOC saying that in 2018.

Also what republican senate? She's pre-emptively blaming the republican senate for doing nothing before it even EXISTS. This is one of the most convoluted arguments I've ever read. She's saying people could vote for the bill even though they know it's not going to pass and then you can't "hold them accountable" for your SUSPICIONS about them.

Which you also can't do now.

Dec 16, 2020 29 tweets 6 min read
I decided to torment myself by watching more Vaush clips, and oh my god dude. It really is like he doesn't know anything about anything that happened prior to 2018. Here he says he doesn't think Trump knows who Julian Assange is (2:13s in) - Trump literally said "I love WikiLeaks" during the 2016 campaign, and Assange was a major "character" in the Russiagate narrative, his son literally emailed w/Assange who told him to release the emails about the Trump Tower meeting.

How could Trump literally NOT KNOW who he is?
Dec 3, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Chinese government trying to "Hold Australia accountable" Lol, that picture is kind of hard to parse, I initially thought it was just picture of an Australian troop petting a sheep, but he's apparently actually beheading someone who's face is covered in an aussie flag who is holding the sheep?? A bit over the top, IMO.
Dec 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I mean everyone jokes about rockets looking phalic but Elon Musk's new rocket looks even more like a dick then usual, lmao Elon Musk penis rocket blowing it's load:
Dec 3, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Will someone who isn't blocked ask Lee Fang where he thinks black people buy stuff? This is just the same displacement you see liberals do. Lee Fang doesn't know that lots of PoC shop at Walmarts. They imagine it full of "rednecks."

Then they just project their own racist views onto this imagined group and say it needs to be accommodated.
Dec 2, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Imagine if teachers kept getting video-taped murdering children but they all got to keep their jobs? This guy is such a hack it's ridiculous. Can't come up with a coherent argument against "defund the police" that doesn't involve absurd hypotheticals and obvious situations that aren't comparable at all.
Feb 4, 2020 84 tweets 39 min read


The cronyism and corruption of the DNC is just off the charts

It's going to be *so* much better when we scrub clintonites from the party. Jesus, they only DISTRIBUTED THE APP THIS AFTERNOON.

Why TF would you do that? It's totally insane, anyone who knows anything about software engineering knows you need to test the hell out of everything if you expect it to work
Apr 6, 2019 119 tweets 35 min read
Pod save boys are mad they can't just talk about Russia Russia Russia for the next 18 months because no one gives a shit now that we know there was no actual collusion
Feb 3, 2019 115 tweets 11 min read
Lets all admit superbowl ads are actually trash, ok? Why are these medieval people in this beer ad talking about who they would have to eat when they have a giant barrel of corn syrup that could probably sustain them for like a decade?

Dec 31, 2018 19 tweets 5 min read
Interesting study looking 545 cities that installed lead pipes vs. iron water pipes in the 19th century (mostly between 1870 and 1896) and crime rates between 1921 and 1936 cloudfront.escholarship.org/dist/prd/conte… Nowadays poor people are exposed to more lead, but back then no one no one knew using it for pipes was a bad idea, and the main difference was how close a lead refinery was, which determined cost.