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Sep 14, 2024 14 tweets 11 min read
Important thread on our Wellness event of light, sound, frequency

Give the body The Energy it needs to heal itself!

Those in search of natural health all seem to end up on a quest for the “thing” that will deliver the healing they seek. Be it headaches, infertility, cancer or anything in between, there IS a natural cure for everything, it’s just a matter of finding which one works for you. We know the body renews every cell of every tissue and organ every 7 years, the question is, why do we keep making the same sick cells? How do we make new healthy cells?

Rather than the continual pursuit of the best therapy, the best herb, the best doctor, the best whatever, what if we gave the body the fundamental properties it needed, so the body could use its own intelligence to create the healing from within every cell? If every cell had all the resources it needed to replicate newer, healthier cells every time, that would be a true answer to whatever health issue you desire to heal.

So, what is this fundamental property? Plasma Energy! Some call it Chi, Prana, Tachyon, zero point, or simply the fuel for our Mitochondria, we will call it Plasma Energy here. The universe itself is made of 90% plasma energy. If human cells are exposed to concentrated plasma energy, that cell will activate its innate healthy DNA functions and move from a state of dysfunction, to a state of health and optimal expression. That means the body will self heal. This principle applies to any health condition or disease name you may be experiencing or have been labeled with. There is no doubt that you can heal.Image Under the table you will find a very large Tesla Coil. This produces the base of the energy field that will remind your cells how to heal again. This is Nikola Tesla technology. Similar technology has been used since the early 1900’s before pharmaceutical companies turned health care into a business rather than an avenue to help people get well. This coil is under the bed you lay on and produces an energy field so strong, it has been labeled a mini universe. When you lay on the table you are in a field that is condensed, amplified, plasma field waves that activate the energy your cells were created to function optimally with. While modern science is constantly looking for the secret nutrient or formula they can patent and make billions with, the answer is plasma energy to feed the self healing properties each cells was designed with. Any condition you have means you are depleted in plasma energy in some way. Plasma is all around us, but it requires a condensed, amplified version of it to “recharge” the cells.Image
Aug 13, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Father, give us a glimpse of what is to come

As Daniel was given a glimpse

As those asleep were given a glimpse tonight

Speak through your Word

Thy Word is Truth

And a lamp unto our feet

In Jesus'Name

Amen Daniel 12:1-4

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:

and there shall be a time of trouble,

such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:

and at that time thy people shall be delivered,

every one that shall be found written in the book.

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament

and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words,

and seal the book,

even to the time of the end:

many shall run to and fro,

and knowledge shall be increased.
Jun 22, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
2 Samuel 21:20-22

And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature,
that had on every hand six fingers,
and on every foot six toes,
four and twenty in number;
and he also was born to the giant.

And when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimeah the brother of David slew him.

These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David,

and by the hand of his servants. God saved us from the Giants

Before the flood and after

Our enemies shouldn't be each other

If we knew how vulnerable we were without God....We would all run to Him

That's why He blinds some, so that they won't see...that should scare you if you don't know Him

What's scarier than giants are the angels that would do such a thing

They don't die....that's why I don't understand those that think demons are "fallen angels"

Demons are the spirits of the children of the half breeds between humans and angels

They were forbidden to do those things and imo judged early for it

Jude 1:6

And the angels which kept not their first estate,

but left their own habitation,

he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Dec 18, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?

What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?

What happens when the news is no longer free from bias? Image What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?

What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?

What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?

Fact becomes fiction?
Fiction becomes fact?
Dec 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 message to God's people Image 2/4 #SaveTheChidrenWorldWide Image
Dec 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

Very encouraging what local action can do.…
Image Needed Image
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Information warfare."
Imagine that

Most have no idea what we've lived through tbh Image…
Why would Pelosi [D] block origination-source [roll-out] investigation of COVID-19 in [China]?
Prevent public exposure of truth?
Ask yourself, why?

Knowingly Image
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Locked on target [painted].
Planned and immediate. Image
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?

What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

What if the program never ceased? Image What would be the primary purpose? SUM OF ALL FEARS.

In the movie, where did the material come from?

What country?

What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?


What does U1 provide?

Define cover.

Why did we strike Syria?
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Do you rulers really give fair verdicts?

Do you judge Adam’s descendants fairly?

No, you invent new crimes on earth, and your hands spread violence.

Psalms 58:1-2 ⌞Even⌟ inside the womb wicked people are strangers ⌞to God⌟.

From their birth liars go astray.

They have poisonous venom like snakes.

They are like a deaf cobra that shuts its ears so that it cannot hear the voice of a snake charmer or of anyone trained to cast spells.
Apr 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Image Image
Mar 20, 2023 28 tweets 7 min read

THIS GOES FAR BEYOND SPIRIT COOKING MODELS. Image This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people. Those who scream the loudest…. Image
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Had to share that....God called will do something to ya 💚☕… @billmaher you don't understand something

You have a platform that nobody has tried to take from you

Being taken from market square and the public square isn't anything you've ever faced

@realDonaldTrump fought for us

He fought as us

While you are promoted and glorified ☕