Dexter Van Zile Profile picture
Shillman Research Fellow, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA)
Nov 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Imam Taha Hassane of the San Diego Islamic Center (second from left), once celebrated for his interfaith efforts, has taken a concerning turn. In the aftermath of the October 7 massacre by Hamas, his stance has raised questions about his true colors and commitment to peace. Let's dive into the details. #ImamHassane 1/7
Image Back in 2018, Imam Hassane was hailed as a staunch ally of the Jewish community after the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. His support and love were appreciated by many. But recent events have raised concerns about his stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. #Interfaith 2/7
Jun 8, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
A late-night Tweet thread about the Anti-American Intifada as an attack on the American Middle Class.
1/16 It’s an Intifada folks.

Let’s call it “The Anti-American Intifada.”

It’s not an “American Intifada.”

It’s anti-American.

Feb 11, 2020 28 tweets 4 min read
For most of the past decade and a half I have been a supporter of the two-state solution. 1/x When I attended the Christ at the Checkpoint Conferences in Bethlehem, I stood when the Palestinian national anthem was played.
Feb 2, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Christian peacemakers from @unitedchurch, @Presbyterian, @iamepiscopalian, @Oikoumene and @ChurchesforMEP have, over the years, demonstrated themselves to be: 1) More critical of Jewish self-defense than Palestinian terrorism.
Aug 20, 2018 33 tweets 5 min read
On Friday, August 17, 2018 Bishop Suffragan Gayle Harris from the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts did something that very few other Christian have done. She apologized for the misinformation SHE broadcast about Israel at her church’s General Convention in July. 1/33 A few people have raised concerns about her apology and I share those concerns. It would have been good if she had acknowledged explicitly that the statements she made were false. (More about that below.) 2/33