How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App more likely scenario, though, is that this doesn't happened. don't use private spaces, which I feared might lead to issues with bandwidth. best place to start is Happy Git with R by @JennyBryan. It walks you through the often-complicated process of getting everything set up. Automation often seems more efficient, but can easily spin out of control, particularly when you have to maintain code that automates things later on.'ll be working on making a video about how to recode survey data with numeric responses that stand for text responses (e.g. 1 = good, 2 = very good). resources mentioned in the thread above are great, but still quite advanced (e.g. I'm considering putting together a "book" (i.e. bookdown) that will answer the types of questions I get all the time. first thing that comes to mind for me is the ability to work simultaneously on a project with a collaborator. With Dropbox, only one person at a time can work on a project or you get all sorts of problems. With git, you can each work and then merge your work together.