Vijay Profile picture
Advocating for protection of Dharma, Indigenous Traditions and for #Decolonization of the Indic mind. Following the path of the elders and the ancients.
Jan 11 6 tweets 2 min read
Did Dilip get red pilled?

This is the real history of the so called OBCs and even of SCs. This whole thing about not being allowed inside Temples, not allowed to be priests is bogus nonsense. Evey community had its own Temples with priests from their own community. /1 Image In Tamil Nadu, even today this is the case. All grama devta Temples are community managed and have priests from various communities like Vanniyar, Thevar (OBC), Valluvar (SC), etc. Only Temples run as per Agama Shastra have Brahmin priests. /2
Dec 14, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Indian politics is the most diabolical in the world.
Many countries have had several constitutions. The constitution is merely a guiding document which people have given themselves, laying out how their country would be governed. In India it is elevated to the level of Quran. /1 A constitution is meant to be amended and if doesn't suite the people of the time, completely re-written.

The diabolical political parties have made it such that any changes to the constitution as an attack on Ambedkar who has been made into a Prophet à la Muhammad. /2
Oct 8, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
#SB403 was a result of coming together various anti-Hindu forces and greedy grifter extortionists.

The main grifter was #EqualityLabs. They are a for-profit org which sells DEI training which costs 1000s of $ per session to corporates.

DEI training are a big scam and an /1 extortion scheme. Post George Floyd saga, "racial sensitivity trainings" became a big industry where likes of Google, Microsoft with deep pockets were forced to put their employees through this or be called racist. There was huge $ to be made for those doing these trainings. /2
Sep 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
All racism emanates from the Bible. Starts with Jews being the chosen race, to sons of Noah spanning of lineage of superior race and inferior race.
This is why Euro Christians saw race everywhere, trying to fit different people groups into these race categories. They tied race to language, again a Biblical racist theory based on Tower of Babel. Any minor cultural differences between people groups were attributed to race.

This was how Dravidianism was born – from Christian racism.
Jun 3, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Things that make Indian cities look ugly.

1. Construction debris and construction materials strewn on the road and footpath ImageImage 2. Overhead wires in a tangled mess ImageImage
May 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
An Indian-origin US resident/citizen teenager recently drove a truck into White House, with Nazi flags. This is a new phenomenon of cyber tribalism.

People are increasingly forming connections and tribal groups on the internet via social media, accelerated by pandemic lockdowns. As humans, we have a natural instinct to be part of a tribe, to have a sense of belonging. Back then one's tribe was what one was born into. Now there are plenty to choose from in the cyber world.

Teenagers who don't have a developed prefrontal cortex are easily pulled into one.
Apr 10, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Sanjeev Sanyal's #Revolutionaries traces origins of #Khalistan movement.

British sought to exploit these:
- After Maharaja Ranjit Singh's death, Punjabi elite fought among themselves.
- Sikhs were loyal to the British during 1857

/1 Image British engineered a Sikh identity distinct from Hindu identity.

First tried to convert them to Christianity.
Then wanted to take a softer approach of buying out the elite by offering them gov. positions.
(They seem to try these approaches even till this day)

/2 Image
Jun 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The traditional depiction of Brahmins in Bhāratiya oral history and tradition has been that of being poor and frail. Because Dharma Shastras mandated poverty for them. They followed it despite discomfort. Manu Smriti mandates Brahmins to only live by collecting food grains which have fallen on the ground. Image