Diane Montagna Profile picture
American journalist in Rome accredited to the Holy See. Executive director of https://t.co/UodCrYmeGg. Co-author of ‘Christus Vincit’ (Angelico Press).
3 subscribers
Feb 23 4 tweets 1 min read
FEB 23 UPDATE: The #Vatican has said that #PopeFrancis’ “condition remains critical; however, since yesterday evening he has not had any further respiratory crises. He has taken the two units of concentrated red blood cells with benefit and an increase in hemoglobin level.” (1/3) Image This evening’s #Vatican statement on #PopeFrancis's condition then states: “The thrombocytopenia has remained stable; however, some blood tests show an initial, slight, renal insufficiency, which is under control. High-flow oxygen therapy through the nasal cannula continues.”
Jun 20, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò has been summoned to the Vatican today at 3:30 (Rome) & notified that an extrajudicial penal trial against him has been initiated. He is accused of the crime of schism & having denied the legitimacy of #PopeFrancis & Vatican II: exsurgedomine.it/240620-attendi…

According to a June 11 letter, + Viganò is to appear to “take notice of the accusations & evidence concerning the crime of schism of which he has been accused (public statements which result in a denial of the elements necessary to maintain communion with the Catholic Church...”.
Jan 8, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: A perverse & pornographic book written by DDF Prefect Cardinal Víctor Fernández in 1998—3 years after “The Art of Kissing”—has been discovered in Argentina. Titled “Mystical Passion: Spirituality & Sensuality”, its Chapters 7, 8 & 9 are too explicit to post here (1/2):
Those who found the book—not wanting it to be seen by the public because of its blasphemous & explicit content—intended to send it to Cardinals, but it was leaked. As reports—& likely passages—are published today, will #PopeFrancis remove Fernández head of Doctrine of the Faith?
Dec 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
CARDINAL MÜLLER dismantles #Vatican declaration: “There are no biblical texts or texts of the Fathers & Doctors of the Church or previous documents of the magisterium to support [its] conclusions ... What we see is not a development but a doctrinal leap.” newdailycompass.com/en/mueller-ble… “In the Bible a blessing has to do with the order that God has created & that he has declared to be good. This order is based on the sexual difference of male & female called to be one flesh. Blessing a reality that is contrary to creation is not only impossible, it is blasphemy”
Dec 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
WATCH: Asked why CUA students have no access to TLM on campus, +Wilton Gregory says “Tradition dies a slow, sometimes bloody death”, acts like Summorum PontifIcum never happened, & adds that #PopeFrancis “is right to say (through #TraditionisCustodes) deal with the priests.”(1/4) (2/4)
Oct 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
OCT 21 #Synod briefing: German Bishop Overbeck says: “We put Jesus Christ at the center of faith in a common quest without clinging to habits & traditionalisms which, if critically examined, have no priority in the hierarchy of truth, & this in the end is important to say.”👇1/4 Summing up Bishop Overbeck’s statement (and inviting him to correct me if I had misunderstood his meaning), I asked him what he meant by “tradition”, and if he meant Apostolic Tradition? (2/4)
Oct 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
At Oct 14 #Synod briefing, I asked Paolo Ruffini if we’ll be given a breakdown of how many bishop-members voted for a particular point in the final synthesis report & how many non-bishop-members voted for the same point. The answer seems to be “no”. Full text of exchange 👇(1/3). Ruffini told me afterward that it “makes no sense” to provide this breakdown. However, if a 2/3 majority is needed to pass, & on a certain controversial point the bishop-members vote 50% yea & 50% nay, the non-bishop vote could push the proposal through. Our full exchange below: Image
Aug 16, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
In an interview after @Synod_va presented the Oct 2023 working document, @JeppesenHelena—whom #PopeFrancis subsequently chose as a new voting lay-member—lamented that “queer people & women’s ordination are not or are only weakly included in the document.”👇 kath.ch/newsd/helena-j…

Photo credit:  (AP/Domenico Stinellis)
Asked about a journalist’s question that Cardinal Hollerich “dodged” at the press conference, @JeppesenHelena said “the disdainful behavior & the question of the very traditionalist journalist ... were far more problematic for me than Cardinal Hollerich’s evasive answer.” Query👇
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NEW BOOK OUT BY BENEDICT XVI—titled ‘What is Christianity?’ and edited by +Georg Gänswein.

“Today, at the conclusion of his life & as pope emeritus, Benedict XVI bequeaths this work to all men to share his final reflections on some fundamental themes of the Christian religion.” ImageImage “This volume, which brings together the writings I composed at Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, is to be published after my death. I have entrusted the editing to Dr Elio Guerriero [&] gladly entrust him with this my last work.” From preface by Benedict XVI—5-1-2022, Feast of St Joseph
Jul 21, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
“Prior to an agreed understanding at the level of the universal Church, it would not be permissible to initiate new official structures or doctrines in the dioceses…”
“Initiating new doctrines?” Would Basil the Great, Vincent of Lérins, Pius IX, & John Henry Newman agree? (1/5) “But what will not be said by men who spend their time in nothing else but either ‘to tell or to hear some new thing’?” ~St Basil the Great (330-379), De Spiritu Sancto: newadvent.org/fathers/3203.h… (2/5)
Jun 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
New +Roche interview: “All that is taking place” with #TraditionisCustodes “is the regulation of the former liturgy of 1962 Missal by stopping the promotion of that. The Council [put] forward a new liturgy...& to resist that is...really quite serious, too.”vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2… “There has never been a controversy about the liturgy in the way we are experiencing it today, partly because there’s never before been 2 versions of the Roman Missal—[the 1962] & then the [1970] which was produced with the full force of [Vatican II] & promulgated by [Paul VI].”
Jan 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🤔Archbishop Roche says most bishops see importance of ‘Traditionis Custodes’ ncronline.org/news/theology/… via @NCRonline Archbishop Roche seems not to have read the CDF report based on its 2020 survey of bishops in which the majority expressed a desire to continue with a prudent and careful application of Summorum Pontificum.

Read what the bishops actually said here (1/3): remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/…
Dec 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
“Herod wants to defend his power, his own skin, with ruthless cruelty... He was a cruel man: to solve problems, he had just one answer: to kill. He is the symbol of many tyrants of yesteryear and of today.”(1/5)

~Pope Francis, Dec. 29 Wednesday Audience
vatican.va/content/france… “For these tyrants, people do not count; power is what counts, and if they need space for power, they do away with people. And this happens today: we do not need to look at ancient history, it happens today.” (2/5)
Jul 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
JUST IN: The ‘International Una Voce Federation’ has taken out an advert in the July 4 Sunday edition of the Italian daily La Repubblica, to issue a declaration about potential restrictions of the Traditional Latin Mass.

Italian below. English text here: fiuv.org/2021/07/fiuv-s… A 2020 worldwide FIUV survey (with results from 364 dioceses in 52 countries) found that the TLM was “deeply appreciated by groups of faithful of all ages, especially families with children” & in “all social & cultural environments” on all continents, with growing communities.
Jul 3, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
At #Vatican press conference on COVID-vaccine ethics & hesitancy, I asked about abortion-tainted vaccines, conscientious objection, vaccine deaths & whether children should receive vaccines whose long-term effects are unknown. See thread for question & answers @remnantnews (1/5) Archbishop Paglia responds, saying the Dec. 2020 note by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the morality of using some covid-19 vaccines answers the question of abortion-tainted vaccines & there’s no more to say. (English translation in next tweet) @PagliaAbp (2/5)
Apr 15, 2021 7 tweets 7 min read
.#Vatican announces 5th International Health Conference (May 6-8, 2021) titled: “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul. How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health.”

Speakers include Anthony Fauci, Moderna/Pfizer CEOs, Chelsey Clinton, Joe Perry of Aerosmith & more ImageImageImageImage Featured speakers at the #Vatican online event will also include Deepak Chopra, US NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, former NFL wide receiver Brandon Marshall, & model Cindy Crawford.

Full list of speakers at conference website here: vaticanconference2021.org/speakers/ ImageImageImage
Jun 12, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
In the interests of fair and truthful journalism, a critique of @Americamag’s new hit piece by @MikeOLoughlin on Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò after his letter to @realDonaldTrump - see thread: 1. @Americamag says Italian courts determined that +Viganò “had been stealing millions of dollars” from his “ill brother” and “a judge ruled last year that he must repay the money.” TOTALLY FALSE: lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-…
Oct 5, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Indigenous leader warns of Amazon Synod & influence of Liberation Theology Missionaries: “Some tribes still practice infanticide & cannibalism.” They do this because anthropologists tell them they have to remain in their primitive state.

~ ‘Amazon: The Stakes’ Conference, Rome. Image Indigenous leader: “When a handicapped child is born” the policy is to “eat the baby” but “this is being promoted by the anthropologists.” Indigenous people who have left this behind don’t want to go back under the influence of liberation theology missionaries & anthropologists. Image
Sep 19, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
A Hermit's Open Letter to Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church @LifeSite lifesitenews.com/opinion/awake-… “Cardinal Maradiaga has accused Edward Pentin of being a 'hitman' who is the 'enemy of reform.' This preposterous accusation comes from one of the Pope’s closest advisers.” ~ Hermit to Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church