How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App should first recognize that gender codes are socially constructed. Clothing is not inherently masculine or feminine—codes are contextual and can change over time. Aristocratic men once wore bright red heels. Then they became womenswear until that notion was challenged again. the early 20th century, when labor was more divided by gender, the US Dept. of Agriculture organized youth clubs orientated around developing certain skills. Chief among them were clothing clubs, which taught young girls how to cut, mend, and sew clothing. first is straightforward: single-breasted, notch lapel suit made from grey herringbone tweed. My guess is that this model is wearing a size up for styling purposes (gives him some swagger). The cut you'll try in-store will probably be a little slimmer. Europeans landed in North America, the Pacific Northwest was populated by the Coast Salish people, who had been here for thousands of years. During the 19th century, many made a living by selling woven blankets to traders. The blankets typically featured geometric designs.'m writing this thread partly bc ideas about respectability run rampant on this platform. Often see people saying things like, "Men shouldn't wear backpacks or hoodies; they're for children." When quarter zips came up, lots of people said, "Well, at least they're not hoodies.", I never comment on how regular people dress, so don't expect some scathing breakdown. This thread is not meant to critique or embarrass any of the people in these photos. I am only commenting on Max's argument. usual, there are no hard rules in fashion. Everything is dependent on the aesthetic, which is contextual to culture. So any time you're asking how to do something with regard to dress, you have to first ask yourself, "what aesthetic language am I using?", I should note that this thread has limitations. To really get a sense of why Sam's trousers aren't hanging cleanly, a tailor would have to see him in person. It's hard to diagnosis fit issues online. But I can make a guess. 1996, Tom Junod wrote a piece for GQ, which was nominated for a National Magazine Award. Simply titled “My Father’s Fashion Tips,” it was about his father’s impeccable style, as well as the opinions of a man who felt strongly about clothes. doesn't a fit body automatically make for a good outfit? Well, the first reason is that most people shop ready-to-wear, which means they rely on designers to provide them clothes. These designers create clothes for a target demographic. you ever wondered why there's this buttonhole on a jacket's lapel? Or really, suit jackets and sport coats have lapels at all? The lapels seemingly serve no practical function and yet take a bit of fabric and skill to make.