dimviewtaker Profile picture
I take a dim view on people who are still yet to perceive the fraud and an even dimmer view on the fraudsters that work to deceive the people.
Sep 17, 2021 14 tweets 8 min read
It appears the covid19 vaccines are causing its recipients to develop autoimmune encephalitis - inflammation of the brain.
The Guardian ran a story on a lady who after being sectioned initially, was later diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis.

theguardian.com/society/2021/a… The condition is rare, affecting 15 in 100,000 annually, with a broad range of cognitive symptoms which unfortunately for Lucy, also exhibit in psychiatric disorders.
Her story triggered recalls of the headaches and brain fog reactions reported by Cov-19 mRNA vaccine recipients.
Sep 17, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Protests that don’t end up at The Bank Of England or Buckingham Palace are failures.

Marching to Parliament is also pointless.

Would you demand money from a dog if it’s owner owed you the debt?

Politicians aren’t in control, that’s why they get replaced and nothing changes. The institutions that endure no matter who we “elect” are the ones where true power lies.

Until people grasp that and redirect their efforts accordingly, the puppets will just keep getting replaced.

The British monarchy + The House of Rothschild= Significant Powers.
Sep 16, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
The value of the data being generated from this global experiment into the efficacy of gene therapy is incalculable. Pfizer et al have created technologies that cause human cells to create viral proteins in vivo - ie inside a living organism as opposed to a test tube (in vivo). Numbering in their tens of millions, planetary in scope, the blissfully unaware test participants dutifully submit samples, giving project scientists volumes of data to monitor how the experiment is progressing. A study never had a more complete sample set. Truly comprehensive.
Jul 25, 2021 24 tweets 13 min read
For any seeking an end to the authoritarian takeover of our country, I feel this information is significant.
It’s in the public domain, yet isn’t really being discussed as a prevailing narrative.
Let’s try to change that, shall we?
1/23 Before the brain dump, some observations:

-History is written by the winners. As royal houses were put to the sword or forced to relinquish power, house Windsor held their seat, but remained rulers in name only (?)

On occasion, power is best used by appearing to have none