Unhinged opinions, self-deprecation, and and memes. Not a journalist. Neoliberalist market-shill. Give me freedom and give me death.
Feb 14 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
A consulting company (with registered offices inside a Hong Kong storage facility) that was hired to advice PM Wickremesinghe in 2016 was paid more than US$100,000, including upto three weeks after the visit concluded, documents obtained through information requests showed. (1/4)
The Cabinet Committee of Economic Management (CCEM) was informed on 1 March 2016 by the Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade (Malik S) of the decision to hire Northern Star Consulting Corporation Limited from 13 March to 30 April 2016 (2/4).
Feb 4 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Disclosure: I've been on a State Department-funded exhange programme to the US in 2014.
ඇමරිකන් දීමනා හැමට සමානව (American aid equally to all), or the ඇදිහස biscuit, was a nutribar kind of project that helped fight child malnutrition in Sri Lanka. There are likely thousands...
... who benefitted from the programme and were healthier because of it. From parliamentary video streaming to the Superior Courts complex upgrades (even though done through UNDP), was American taxpayer money. Take a drive through Hospital Road and you will see...
Oct 12, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
To quickly look back at what actually happened during the 2024 Presidential election: it wasn't an election that AKD won by (them/him)selves as much as its an election that was handed to him on a platter by both SP and RW. AKD's consistency is what got him the win. (1/6)
By January this year (2024), Sajith had this in the bag. RW was deeply unpopular, and NR wouldn't have even considered running. NPP's internal estimates were to get 15-20% and use that as a platform for a strong parliamentary vote - thereby overtaking the SLPP+UNP (2/6)
Sep 18, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Sri Lanka's curse is one of mediocrity. Our insurrectionists were mediocre. Our separatists were mediocre. Our supposed authoritarians were mediocre. Even our economic crisis was mediocre. We need one thing - be it good or bad - to be seen to the end for this country to change.
If the insurrectionists succeeded we'd have started valuing law and order and civil liberties. If the separatists, ethnic harmony; the authoritarian, democratic values; or the economic crisis, fiscal discipline and accountability. But we have none of that. This doesn't stop.
Jul 22, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
RW is finally where he wanted to be but better: executive president on steroids. Stronger than what even JR had.
He isn't at anyone's mercy (including the Rajapaksas) and governance under him is going it make MR2 look like a hippy rally. In less than 24 hours
... he managed to revive his (small yet key) voter base, cause strong rifts within the SJB (watch next week), steal the SLPP voter base, and also steal the law-and-order/tough-on-crime/strong-administrator crowd. He also repaired his image with uniforms and has established
Jul 13, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
What happened today? A coup.
In March this year, AKD in a speech in Nugegoda started mainstreaming the idea that extra-constitutional means are the way to go. He painted the constitution as a block for representative democracy. (23:35 onwards).
Then by 'occupying' Presidential Secretariat, Temple Trees, and the President's Residence, the FSP mainstreamed the idea that taking over the state by force is democratic. By occupying RW's personal residence, they mainstreamed the idea that personal property is fair game. (2/9)
May 24, 2022 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
Finishing hour fifteen in a fuel queue. No ETA. Bloody humid. Met a nice girl called Malsha who is a kindergarten teacher. Offered her shelter from the rain in my front seat and in return she offered me tea. Not seeing a ring on that finger.
Malsha left at one point and her father tagged in for her. Bonded with uncle and gave him a crash course on floating exchange rates and then on free markets. Man is a convert now. Best outcome. Uncle angry that Malsha's Scooty Pep is all she can afford. Also Malsha single.
Apr 18, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
So during his speech today @GotabayaR said that he regrets not going to the IMF sooner. So a valid question at this point is why we didn't go, and who sold snake-oil "home grown solution" to Gota to keep us going to the IMF and why they did it.
Here is an explainer.
Obviously attention has been with Basil R and Cabraal. But they are the mere tip of the bullshit iceberg. The cabal of PB Jayasundara, WD Laxman (and his acolytes at the monetary board).
They were guided by Howard Nicholas. They Dhammika Paeniya-ed the Sri Lankan economy.
Dec 14, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
A few quick thoughts about rumours of PBJ being fired:
As President's Secretary, PB Jayasundere is the de facto head of the civil service. Man's ethics/character aside (let's not open that can of worms) he's still a very senior, very capable, very powerful civil servant. (1/6)
He has been the biggest gatekeeper toward GR from day one. He has GR's ear, and he is even now the most powerful man in the country (more than GR). He is almost universally hated within the SLPP. GR takes PBJ's advice, and PBJ treats everyone else like insignificant trash. (2/6)
Oct 25, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Financial independence by your 30s is near impossible. I know many who are most certainly in the path to becoming so someday, but none who are in their 30s or even 40s who are financially independent - essentially, retired. What we should aim for is survivability + independence.
Financial independence is either having enough passive income to maintain the quality of life you want, or having a fund large enough to drain by the time your life ends. Employment (however well paid) or entrepreneurship (however successful) are by definition, not independent.
Sep 1, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
When Gotabaya Rajapaksa was running for the presidency a vast majority of his opponents were forecasting a rapid decline in Sri Lanka's human rights environment, full of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings. I'm probably the only one in my circles who disagreed.
This wasn't because I thought he was incapable of violence. This was because the 2005-2012 era was a very specific set of circumstances during which the wider public put up with a lot because of the war. Death sqauds are logistically difficult when you're present (unless...
May 19, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
I reached out to the @metpoliceuk about the repeated use of LTTE flags in the UK to feed into an article/book I'm working on. My specific question was about the use of the LTTE flag being an offence under 13(1) and 13(1A) of the UK's Terrorism Act 2000.
The law makes it offence if someone wears, carries or displays an article "in such a way or in such circumstances as to arouse reasonable suspicion that he is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation."
Until the Itukama fund RTI request comes in, here is some information regarding a Rs 25 billion (US$ 128 million) loan that the Sri Lankan Government borrowed from the World Bank for Covid response, and what it (didn't) do with it.
You will see a pattern.
A total of 12 designated laboratories with COVID-19 diagnostic equipment, test kits, and reagents were scheduled to be added by December 2020.
Actual number added by end September 2020: 0.
May 11, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ten soldiers were killed on this day 36 years ago in an LTTE landmine attack. This would trigger a series of horrific attacks against civilians that would see more than 300 dead when it finally stopped.
In response to the landmine attack, the Sri Lanka Army rounded up 70 civilians in Velvettithurai, herded them into the town library, and blew it up.
The regular bullshittery from me will be paused for a while to talk about the important issue of wellbeing and mental health in this time of crisis. Here are few tips from things that I learnt by doing wrong and doing right, both during Easter attacks and now with the pandemic.
Being updated about information is important, but this doesn't mean that checking news is the first thing you do. I've now broken my habit of loading Reuters TV the moment I wake up and being bombarded with ten powerful stories.