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#MarvelSnap Infinite Gamer, CL 8444+ 🧩 Diablo IV noob 😈 Midjourney Mage 🏳️‍🌈 Mining #BSV like an Ape w/ https://t.co/eaidszM2VJ 🍌
Jul 12, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
@cornokun @kurtwuckertjr @Elas___ Delisting BSV protects investors from predators. We have our own DEX. As for hash, you should understand the benefit of XL blox. Our hash/tx ratio is unrivaled. Furthermore, it is unwise to stop an enemy from actions that will be used against them. Our stability is evident. @cornokun @kurtwuckertjr @Elas___
Jul 5, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
1/22 There will be one winner, maybe not totally by itself, but the winner will have an ultra, supermajority. Every day I grow more confident that it is $BSV (and I’m already very confident). Like email is universal, #BSV will be the same. That’s why it is called a protocol. 2/22 The entire internet runs on protocols. #Bitcoin, like HTML, is designed to be a fundamental part of the internet. This is why we will still need data centers and server farms.