Dave Kline Profile picture
I teach leaders how to build great teams & level up their career | Alum: Bridgewater & Moodys Analytics | Owner: https://t.co/AhQyfpiwQN
Maleph Profile picture Andy Cohen Profile picture Abhishek Anand Profile picture Following the breath Profile picture GrandpaAquaman 🚀⚛️☢️🛤️ Profile picture 32 subscribed
Sep 8 9 tweets 2 min read
Leading an effective team is hard but not complicated.

There are only 5 ways to drive meaningful impact.

Here are tips to maximize each one: Leaders Impact equation created by Dave Kline. Maximize Goals, People and Tools while minimizing Friction and Time. Clear Goal

Call it a mission, a purpose, or a goal.
It needs to be clear and compelling.
People want a purpose, not just a paycheck.

Tip: You cannot repeat this often enough.
Sep 4 13 tweets 3 min read
60% of all managers fail.

Their fatal mistake: They don't delegate.

Here's your playbook to win more by doing less: Delegate Everything

This is not a joke. You need to design yourself completely out of your old job. Set your sights lower than that and you'll delegate WAY less than you should.

But relax: Delegating that much will take months.
Aug 29 8 tweets 2 min read
My 3 management non-negotiables:
- Clear expectations
- Weekly 1:1 meetings
- Consistent feedback

90% of my management issues came from skipping one of these. Here's how to skip my mistakes... 💡Clear Expectations
Everyone wants to win. They need to know:

- How you're keeping score (the What)
- What rules they're expected to follow (the How)

No one can meet your secret expectations.
Aug 16 13 tweets 2 min read
12 pieces of unconventional leadership advice:

1. Micromanagement isn't about a lack of confidence in the employee. It is about the lack of competence in the leader. 2. Doing beats dreaming. While you're watching from the stands, someone else is earning the hard lessons on the field.
Aug 9 12 tweets 3 min read
Unclear expectations cause 95% of problems at work.

Here's my simple playbook for managers and employees to get on the same page fast: Image If you're the Manager:

Setting expectations is your number 1 job.

If your team doesn't know what you expect, you're failing them. And despite great effort, chances are they're letting you down.

The vicious cycle build massive frustration.
Jul 29 9 tweets 3 min read
The secret effective leaders understand:

Doing half a much twice as well.

Here's where they focus: Establish Clear Employee Expectations

Key Lessons:
- Author together for ownership
- Align on How, not just What
- Amplify w/ clear feedback

Bonus: Free Expectations Template
Jul 22 9 tweets 2 min read
I asked 1100+ managers for their biggest mistake.

These 7 mistakes came up over and over.

Here's how you can avoid them: 1. They Can't Get It All Done

High-performing teams get rewarded with more: More projects, more customers, more problems.

Tip: Do half as much twice as well.

What work can I: Eliminate? Automate? Delegate?

Great leaders are ruthless optimizers.
Jul 5 11 tweets 4 min read
10 ideas that will change the way you lead.

Small shifts that unlock remarkable results.

1. Choose Your Perspective

- We can't control what the world throws at us
- But we can control how we respondImage 2. Simple Scales. Fancy Fails.

- Don't fall in love with complex systems.
- Always strive for "Minimum Viable Process."Image
Jul 2 14 tweets 2 min read
Your boss is a coward and it's killing your career.

Here's the honest feedback you need to hear: You're not paid the maximum you're worth.

You're paid the minimum you'll accept.
Jun 25 12 tweets 3 min read
The Introverted Leaders Handbook

5 tips for leading loudly when you prefer quiet: Let's dispel some Introvert myths.

They are bad communicators:
-> Listening is half of communication.

They don't like to collaborate:
-> 89% said they enjoyed collaboration.

They don't make good leaders:
-> Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook & Barack Obama all self-identify as Introverts.
Jun 23 15 tweets 4 min read
These 12 books radically improved my leadership skills.

If you’re a new manager, read them: Lesson 1: How to assume your new identity as a leader. Image
Jun 20 9 tweets 2 min read
Fear is nothing more than untested risk.

Here are 5 practical ways to conquer your fears: Fear: My business won't succeed.

Tactic: Sell -> Build -> Launch

If you can't sell your idea to the perfect customer, you can't justify building the product or service. Iterate until you can.
Jun 17 11 tweets 4 min read
If I were asked to lead a new team, I'd get damn good at these 9 essential skills fast.

(You might want to bookmark this for later) 1. Establish Clear Employee Expectations

💡Key Lessons:
- Author together for ownership
- Align on How, not just What
- Amplify w/ clear feedback

🔥Bonus: Free expectations template
Jun 16 6 tweets 2 min read
One Father's Day, when I was 9, my Dad asked me to hop in the car.

We drove to an elementary school. It was Sunday at 11 am. Inside the gym, cigarette smoke filled the air as three dozen adults milled about.

Confused, he told me to sit. He then walked to the front. He was the only one up there.

Were they here to listen to my Dad?
Was this his meeting?

My Dad went to a lot of meetings. That is what I thought work was.

He asked for quiet and began to speak.
Jun 12 8 tweets 2 min read
The Eisenhower Matrix is broken.

What worked 100 years ago won't serve you today.

Here's a 1-minute tutorial for modern managers: Image The principle underlying the original:

Shit rolls downhill.

But this was a time when labor was cheap, often unskilled, and technology was expensive.

These dynamics have almost completely inverted.
Jun 9 8 tweets 2 min read
60% of new managers fail.

Beat the odds by building 6 foundational skills: Manage Yourself

You can't lead anyone until you can lead yourself.
- Develop vivid self-awareness
- Rethink your calendar
- Delegate

You don't manage after your work is done.
Management is the work.
Jun 6 8 tweets 2 min read
71% of managers are overwhelmed.

But few know why.

Here's how to spot the 6 most common causes (and what to do about them): Unclear Mission

Without a clear "Why," your team can't make decisions.

The result?

They make bad decisions you have to fix.
Or they bring everything to you for input.

Both of which give you more to do, not less.
Jun 4 5 tweets 2 min read
The #1 new manager mistake:

Tolerating underperformers.

They confuse impact (A) with improvement (B).

Use these 3 tactics to drive excellent performance: Image Have The Employee Self-Assess

If they can't see the gaps, no amount of coaching will help until they do.

Ask them to rate the key capabilities in their role from 1 to 5 (1 is below, 3 is at, and 5 is above expectations).

You grade independently and compare:Image
Jun 3 15 tweets 5 min read
It's not an MBA, but these courses are free.

And the instructors aren't academics. They're pros.

Here are 12 leadership lessons not to miss: Building & Scaling Startup Culture
Who: @mbrandolph

You'll learn:
- How to build a startup culture from scratch
- How culture evolves as you scale
- How to manage great people who no longer fit

On-Demand: maven.com/p/958d1f/build…
Jun 2 13 tweets 3 min read
Let me fix your 1:1 meetings in 90 seconds.

It only requires two changes:

- It's their meeting, not yours
- Good questions >> Great directions

Here's how to do it: Image Make It Their Meeting

Delegate the meeting like any other work:
- Define what excellent looks like
- Hold them accountable
- Coach to success
- Don't step in

But how do I get what I need to lead? That's part 2...
May 31 9 tweets 2 min read
Employees don't quit their companies.

They quit bad managers. And we're all bad at first.

Here are the 7 skills every new manager must master: Image Active Listening

Two ears, one mouth.
Keep that ratio.

Tip: Summarize their point. It forces you to listen rather than plan your response, and it makes them feel heard.