Michael Clary Profile picture
Pastor. Reformed. Conservative. Book: “God’s Good Design” https://t.co/BVyGWrFvuK Substack: https://t.co/si9IPuv28a Links: https://t.co/Z6cr5M9vZO
WordWarrior Profile picture Michael Clary Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 19 46 tweets 10 min read
My oldest son turned 18 this week. I wanted to give him something special that would last a lifetime.

So I asked some godly Christian men of all ages to write him a letter sharing life wisdom they'd acquired. I got 37 responses. Their answers blew me away. 🧵 Image Their letters were packed with centuries worth of experience and wisdom. So I printed them all out, put them into a notebook, and gave them to him on his birthday.

He was overjoyed to received it. So he sat down right away and carefully read each letter.
Jul 13 16 tweets 3 min read
When I was on staff w CRU, I was trained to immediately offer new converts assurance of salvation. That was a mistake.

In the 15+ years since then, many of those people have abandoned the faith.

With so much apostasy going on, the doctrine of perseverance is badly needed.🧵 Altho true believers cannot actually lose their salvation, neither should they presume to be saved simply because they once made a profession of faith.

That's decisionism.

The initial "decision" to follow Christ is only the first step in a lifelong commitment to discipleship.
Jun 21 11 tweets 2 min read
Melchizedek is one of the most fascinating characters in the Bible.

He reveals who Jesus is in remarkable ways.

Melchizedek only appears 3X in the Bible (Genesis 14, Psalm 110, and Hebrews 7), but significance to the story of redemption in Christ cannot be understated.

Some data points (cf. Heb 7)

1. He is a king (Gen 14:18)

2. He is a king of righteousness (by translation of his name, "Melchizedek")

"Melchi" from the Hebrew "melek" means "king"

"Zedek" from the Hebrew "tsedeq" means "righteousness"

May 4 9 tweets 4 min read
Some say the SBC isn't woke & there's nothing to be alarmed about. Don't be so sure.

Paul said "a little leaven leavens the lump."

The broader SBC may not be full-blown woke, but some places are.

A friend recently shared notes from a SEND Philly training.

See for yourself🧵 My friend attended a training who's purpose was "to assist planters, pastors, ministry leaders and lay persons with a heart to serve those within the urban context."
Apr 8 12 tweets 3 min read
In light of the recent news that NT scholar/ethicist Richard Hays is now gay affirming, I pulled my old copy of his ethics book from seminary and revisited the chapter on homosexuality.

In 1996, he said homosexuality is sinful. In 2024, he reportedly believes the opposite. Image After a casual perusal of this chapter, it was there all along. We should not be surprised by Hays' announcement. Further, current evangelical leaders exhibit similar warning signs.

I'll mention three here.
Feb 16 19 tweets 4 min read
The church planting craze of the 2000s and 2010s was a mess. We're feeling the downstream effects of it now.
🧵 Here's a dirty little secret of the church planting world. It's a haven for guys that don't want to take the traditional route of waiting their turn in an established church so they could move up when the senior pastor retires.
Feb 2 13 tweets 3 min read
Guilt and shame are powerful, negative emotions that are like warning lights in our souls that something is wrong. They are gifts of God for our good, but can also be manipulated for our harm.

In our day, progressives use shame as a manipulation tactic. Here's how it works. 🧵 Guilt is the feeling that something you did was wrong. It's the sense that you violated some external standard.

Shame is the feeling that who you are is wrong. The standard is vague and internal. Your very existence is wrong.
Dec 11, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
What are we to make of all this data on singleness and marriage?

Here's some of my thoughts. God made the world one way. When God’s design is followed, it will generally produce good results as a gift of common grace. When God’s design is rejected, it will produce bad results.
Dec 11, 2023 26 tweets 14 min read
Some fascinating stats about singleness, loneliness, dating, and marriage, with some concluding counsel for singles at the end. 🧵 1. First off, the US marriage rate is at an all time low. [1]

Consequently, US birthrates are at historic lows, well below replacement rate.
Dec 2, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Some stats about divorce 🧵

(This is just a sampling of data and there’s plenty of nuance that could be added)

* The average marriage length is 8.2 years.
* An estimated 41% of first marriages end in divorce.
* The average age of people going through a first-time divorce is 30 Big Divorce is Big Business

* The divorce industry is worth $50 billion/yr
* The average total cost is $12,900 per divorce
* The average attorney’s fee is $11,300 per divorce
* The avg divorce attorney’s hourly rate is $270

IOW, divorce is financially incentivized in the USA
Nov 30, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
“Tone” is the idol of evangelical discourse, and it’s suffocating the sharp, unpleasant truth our world desperately needs to hear. Its hardly a secret that maintaining proper, respectable tone is how evangelical leaders keep their status within the guild. You keep your seat by showing utmost courtesy and respect to everyone, even those who undermine the truth.
Nov 27, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Meet Stephen.

Here he is in 2020, volunteering for Bernie Sanders at the U of Cincinnati campus.

At the time, he was an atheist, secular humanist, Democratic socialist, depressed, alcoholic, porn addicted drug abuser.

His life was a disaster. Image He got into Marxism in college. He spent the next 15 years seeking meaning and redemption through political action.

When he and his girlfriend broke up in 2020, she committed suicide.

That was a very dark time, but also a turning point.
Aug 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Why do churches (and institutions) always seem to go liberal?

Simple. They end up conserving the wrong mission.

Here's how it happens. 🧵

All churches have a purpose they were created to achieve. Naturally, they are conservative about that purpose. 1/8 But every church also has an unwritten, unstated, and hidden purpose: *preserve the church*

Church leaders draw direct benefit from the church, such as jobs, relationships, power, & clout. Protecting these benefits eventually start replacing the church's original purpose.

Jul 10, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
I'm convinced that flattery is one of the most common and harmful sins of the modern church. It's a wide open door for being manipulated because it preys on our desire for attention and approval.

We can avoid it if we learn to define it and detect it. 1. Flattery is lying. It's a form of dishonest praise. People try to curry favor with others with compliments or saying nice things. But watch out, because they want something. They are not your friend.

Prov 29:5: A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet.
Jul 5, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Some people claim Jesus must have been tempted by homosexuality, since he was tempted in every respect (Heb 4:15).

Not so fast. 1/9 Heb 4:15 says: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

Thus, if Jesus was tempted in every respect, then Js must have been by homosexual lust. This is wrong. 2/9
Jun 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This past Tuesday, while on family vacation, I got to witness something beautiful that’s been 15 years in the making.

Around 2008, my sister’s first husband abandoned her with a six year old daughter and twin infant sons. I remember thinking, “what’s she gonna do? How will she make it with 3 little kids on her own?”

A while later, she ran into an old friend from HS (who took her to the prom!) & they started dating. The next year, I performed their wedding ceremony. He danced w his new daughter. Image
May 4, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I learned an important ministry lesson years ago from an unbeliever I was trying to evangelize.

I was on staff with CRU & he was a brilliant & thoughtful student. Over the next few years, I shared the gospel with him many times, answering objections & using all the tools. 1/10 To answer his more complicated moral, philosophical, and theological objections, I took him to meet one of my theology profs at SBTS. Despite all this, he could never commit to Christ. He was a classic "always learning but never arriving at the church" kind of guy. 2/10
Apr 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The pastor of our sister church told me this story. Some leaders were meeting at church a few weeks ago and they ordered pizza. One man invited the delivery guy to come to church the next day. The sermon that day was all about God’s forgiveness. The man gave his life to Christ right there on the spot.

He and his girlfriend have two children with a third on the way. He went home and told her they weren’t sleeping together anymore until they were properly married. He moved into a guest room.
Apr 3, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
If Xns do not oppose LGBTQ activism, they will continue to take over every facet of public life.

Yet Xns who speak out are often criticized them for their tone or not being Christlike.

*This is how we lose.*

The key is to distinguishing btw diff types of ppl.

A 🧵 Every tweet has multiple audiences that converge in one space. Twitter doesn’t distinguish audiences. We have to do that ourselves.

And there are different tactics to speak clearly to each one.

Here are the top six audiences I'm aware of and how I engage them.
Jan 1, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
The world is going nuts. A reformation is needed. But the next great reformation will not be like Luther's reformation 500 years ago. It will be a return to normalcy. It will be a retrieval of the ordinary.

Here are 23 ways to be Ordinary Reformers in 2023: 1. Fear God and keep his commandments (Ecc 12:13). Romans 3:18, which vividly describes the sinfulness of mankind, concludes with this: there is no fear of God before their eyes."
2. Read scripture every day
3. Pray every day
Jan 1, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
1. Fear God and keep his commandments (Ecc 12:13). Romans 3:18, which vividly describes the sinfulness of mankind, concludes with this: there is no fear of God before their eyes."
2. Read scripture every day
3. Pray every day
4. Take one day a week for sabbath rest 5. Go to church every week. Resolve to never miss a week unless hindered by unusual circumstances beyond your control
6. Strive to fight sin and obey Christ in everything
7. Confess your sins whenever you fail (1 Jn 1:9)