D.Muthukrishnan Profile picture
Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Amateur investor. Not here to sell or advertise or promote anything. Views are personal and are not recommendations.
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Dec 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the very rare days, I woke up in the middle of the night. Saw Sintex investor's false propaganda. He keeps on abusing me despite me doing no harm to him. He is a classic case of big money with small mind. My answer for Sintex guy is in next tweet. No cure for his envy. I deleted my blog few years ago in compliance with then SEBI's dictum that MFDs ought not to use the word advisor. My blog was called Wise Wealth Advisors. So to be complaint I deleted my blog and started focusing only on micro blogging (Twitter) as an amateur investor.
Oct 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Hitachi is the first stock where I’ve been holding for long and under loss as on date. At some point, it was even a 2 bagger in 3 years. I’ve been bullish on both Airconditioning industry and Hitachi as a company.

1 of 5 I continue to be bullish on Airconditioning. I’ve been unable to develop conviction in any other player other than Hitachi. The issue with Hitachi India is they never talk to media and no information is available other than regulatory filings.

2 of 5
May 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
One of those rare days when I get up around 3 am. Since I slept well before 10 pm, just now saw the Diageo India announcement. 32 Popular brands (non premium, low margin), contributing to 19% of current sales and much less profits are being sold for Rs.820 crores. 11 popular brands are being given for franchisee. The company has been very clear it wanted to reduce the low margin brands and focus on profitable ones. It has also emphasised that they want long term profitable double digit topline growth.
Oct 5, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Lot of queries and tagging me on Manu's blog. Hence this thread.

Every company and it's management has both strength and weaknesses. I see more strengths than weakness with ITC.

Management can't be labelled as laid back. It has acted with extreme dynamism during this pandemic. Broadly concur with views on hotels. Hotels have been a great experience for customers & not shareholders.

Infotech is more of captive business and of insignificant size. So no point in discussing that.

In all other verticals, which are primary for ITC, they're doing well.
Aug 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Saw a troll putting screenshot of commission details from AMFI. I don't use my Twitter following to solicit new clients. Many of you write to me to become our clients, only to get disappointed. Stopped adding new clients 3 years ago. Servicing old clients on their insistence. Many of our clients are following me in Twitter. There is nothing for me to hide. I believe in integrity and transparency. And all my clients get commission disclosure statement once in 6 months. This is a SEBI mandate to AMFI.
Jul 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Those who’ve been tracking my portfolio and investing method, please read the below thread carefully.

I’ve been following focused investing, owning not less than 10 and more than 15 stocks. My personal preference has been 11. I already own 10; with NSE listing would become 11. It’s a decade since I’ve been following focused investing and wanting to try concentrated investing for a while. For Buffett and Munger, concentration means 6 and 3 businesses respectively. My personal preference is 9.
Mar 29, 2019 8 tweets 1 min read
Financial year just got over and it’s time for performance review. I started moving towards current investment strategy from 2011. However only from 2016, I started meticulously recording every single transaction to calculate accurate returns. Our family stock portfolio: Piramal Enterprises, Thomas Cook, HDFC Bank, Pidilite, United Spirits, ITC, Crisil, Nestle, P&G Hygiene, HDFC Life & Johnson Controls Hitachi.
Jun 30, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
For expensive valuations, people always quote Nifty 50 of US in 1972. Some companies died. Some did mediocre. Just three companies alone (Wal-Mart, Philip Morris and Anheuser-Busch) out of fifty, not considering other survivors, delivered far higher future returns than S&P 500. Out of Nifty 50, we also do not take into account how much stocks like Walt Disney, Procter and Gamble, PepsiCo delivered in subsequent decades despite being bought at high valuations.