Daniel Njaga Profile picture
I Write What I Like - Steve Biko (1946 - 1977)
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Aug 15 12 tweets 2 min read
Eldoret has a come along way
As the “spoilt child” of Kenyan towns
Always favoured with state sponsorship
The perpetual beneficiary of power abuse

REFLECTIONS So Eldoret is now a city?

Its not news; it was a silent city
for 24 years under Moi
No town has been politically pampered and forced to grow
Against its organic potential
than Elde
Aug 12 13 tweets 3 min read
Ignoring calls for a clean cabinet
Then violently suppressing clamour for better governance
Means the President is the PATRON
Of dirty and corrupt politics

THREAD Professor @aomenya decries the prevalence of academic dwarfs in leadership.
@DavidNdii counters that Alliancers (like Omenya) are natural conformists
Ndii posits that D graders dominate politics because they take the “initiative”
Am tempted to poke my nose
May 28 13 tweets 2 min read
Gachagua is just reliving
Mwai Kibaki’s experience as Vice President
History can notoriously repeat itself

THREAD Gachagua is my least favourite politician
I even consider him a national disaster as DP
But on this quarrel with RV leaders
He is just a victim of Kalenjin politics

This is a personal recollection of what Kibaki went through
Feb 20, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
It is now the turn of the Kalenjin people
To carry the baggage of tribalism
and the burden of government mistakes

Even when they are innocent victims The recall of Joseph Kinyua to OP
To “assist” Felix Koskei excited social media fraternity
It was a chance for many to vent their resentment
at the Kalenjin community
For political reasons
Jan 1, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
It has Ruto 100 days
To consolidate power.

Neither Kibaki nor Uhuru could pull this off

Even in 10 years I predicted back in August
That Ruto needs only three months
To align every government function to his fold

I even posited that we were lining up for tutorials
On how to consolidate power.
Dec 30, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
There are many reasons Kisumu lags behind in tourism.

See if my reasons are convincing (know its hard to break your skepticism) Image History

Wildlife and beaches took historical head start. Once a product gains market dominance, it takes a lot of effort to change the status quo.

Even internationally, 90% of visitors to Kenya desire to see wildlife more than anything else
Nov 12, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
This fixation with Kibera slums,

Is not genuine concern about poverty

Its an extension of anti-Raila politics What is so special about Kibera informal settlements?

Every conservative government talks about it
And wants to upgrade it
Every Mt Kenya voter talks about it

As an example of Raila’s “poverty record”
Oct 3, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
We kill their leaders

We marginalize their region

We steal their elections

But we expect them to be grateful….. Ask any Kenyan who the above refers to
Most will tell you it’s the Luo Community

Apparently, every regime
Commits an injustice to the community

Then turns around to “win them”
Oct 3, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Free advice to @skmusyoka:

Forget Presidency.

There will be no change of government,

In your lifetime. In 2017, NASA boycotted repeat elections
To protest the state capture of IEBC

The opposition had demonstrated
to demand IEBC reforms
After SCOK had nullified the results

The government suppressed the clamour

The opposition saw the futility of the elections

And boycotted
Sep 19, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Raila should apologize to his supporters.

Then quit opposition leadership

Just give it up, Jatelo @RailaOdinga I have reflected on how much
we have sympathized with Raila
Over the last few weeks
A feeling crossed my mind:
Perhaps we pampered him too much
With sympathy and loyalty
Sep 19, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Ruto is a political PREDATOR

Who will be with us for quite a while

Get ready for a powerful and domineering President He is not only here to stay as the President
He will dominate Kenya
Like a colossus

He needed power and he got it
He will wield it with gusto

Azimio supporters like me
Better adjust to this fact
Aug 31, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Even before he is sworn in
The nation is already tired of Ruto’s “presidency.”

You can imagine if he takes office,

With a compromised IEBC The supreme court holds the key.

To the only chance left
To reform IEBC
And save Kenya’s fledgling democracy.

As things stand,
Ruto has the upper hand,

In the Uhuru succession
Aug 30, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Uhuru and Ruto
Exploited the handshake,

For their respective political survival

Only Raila comes out empty-handed. If the supreme court finds no evidence
Of electoral malpractices by IEBC
Raila Odinga’s career ends.

And he will not be entirely blameless.

He partly wasted the chance,

To reform IEBC
Aug 29, 2022 15 tweets 2 min read
So there is no evidence of election rigging?

Same way there was no evidence of Ouko murder.

And no evidence of KEMSA theft. Every Kenyan alive in 1975 knew
That Kenyatta government killed JM Kariuki.

So much “effort” was made
To look for evidence
And establish the killers.

None has been found to date
Aug 19, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
The first Kenyatta succession
Had a passing cloud called Moi.

In the second Kenyatta succession,

People see another “passing cloud” called Ruto.

Count me out I have said many times on my TL
Ruto’s foundation for dictatorship
Is well laid and firm.

He is not an outsider in the status quo

He just faked loneliness and persecution,

To appease the “hustlers”
Aug 18, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Raila had so many advantages.

They paralyzed his campaign.

What an irony! Yesterday evening I overheard a conversation
In a Kiambu bar
Group of patrons quite bitter with Raila.

Because he refused to "guard their votes"

This was not a joke or sacarsm

I have passed here for several years
I knew they were sincere.
Aug 17, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
I observed last year
That Raila was trying to make history

As the first front line fighter
To become a leader Our is a history of betrayal
Rewards enablers and sympathizers of oppression
Starting with Mau Mau liberation war

Where Jomo Kenyatta and the home guards

Took the trophy of Uhuru
Aug 17, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Uhuru’s incompetence
Has boomeranged on Raila

If government could not steal votes for him

It should just have guarded his votes I dont buy the speculation,
That Uhuru was deliberately playing Raila.

That he wanted to tame Raila
For Ruto’s easy ride

They could not act for that long
Towards the end
it was even getting nasty and stupid
Aug 16, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Raila worked HARD.

But Ruto worked SMART,
I doubt the courts can stop him

THREAD I have voted for Raila four times
I still believe he was a better choice for Kenya.

But I won’t take my emotions to the supreme court process.

Dislodging Ruto from power henceforth
Will be a long-term struggle.
Jul 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Fellow Kenyans;
Wake up and liberate your country,

From honorable criminals. Even a casual observation of the IEBC saga

Tells you:
Something is seriously amiss,

IEBC is a theatre of criminal politics

And is internally and terminally rotten
Jul 19, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
UDA is a crude reincarnation of Moi
It cannot undermine Kenyatta legacy
While safeguarding Moi’s Gachagua is a big liar
In his threat to rename Kenyatta university
This anger against Uhuru and Kenyatta Family
Is just stupid posturing

By 2 leaders who are too scared of history
To exhume the past