GeroDoc Profile picture
Geriatric long term care doc. Made an anonymous account to rant on. Yes, I am very immature sometimes. No, I don’t care. Proud 2024 garbage voter.
May 30, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
The @nytimes@zeynep has long blocked me because frankly, I’ve been beyond brutal in my criticism of her - & rightfully so.

Since then, along with multiple excellent articles by @thackerpd, @michaelpsenger, & @KelleyKga, she’s been fully & unflatteringly exposed.

1/ ImageImageImageImage Since then, @zeynep, w/ zero formal training or experience in the biomedical science she’s set her sights on yet another area where she can go ahead & cosplay as a biomedical scientist - so-called “Long COVID” research.

Her current feed is littered with tweets like this:

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May 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
This headline is blatantly Orwellian, but got me to thinking about classic, leftist-affiliated Frankfurt school “critical theory” (or it’s modern - day racialist offshoot, CRT) which @PhilWMagness I heard once offhandedly label as “magic decoder ring” political philosophy.

1/ Image Meaning, as long as you possess the proper elite academic training, obscurantist verbiage, & elite institution publication history, you too can see ubiquitous evidence of your favorite malevolent force wherever you look - in CRT, “white supremacy,” no matter where you look:

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May 19, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
I recently tweeted about the mass proliferation of what @ConceptualJames has dubbed the “intersectionality aesthetic” in art - it’s literally everywhere now.

It eliminates individuality & turns us into just bland racialist caricatures.

1/… This is a great article one of my followers just tweeted (the website is horribly formatted but it’s well worth reading).

This style is called, apparently & appropriately “globohomo” - as in “globally homogenized art style.”…

May 9, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
I mean this analogy to be deliberately scary.

Ppl forget in 1994 that in Rwanda, nationwide political mass-murder took place, committed w/ machetes & blunt instruments.

Was fueled by government media (largely radio).

Asked ChatGPT & it provided a pretty good explainer:

1/ ImageImageImage Since Trump, & the largely unified reaction of media, government, & civil institutions against him (which resulted in his defeat in 2020), we’ve seen increasingly extremist rhetoric characterizing conservatives as “fascists,” “Nazis,” & even promoters or “genocide.”

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Apr 5, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Egaz Moniz was a Portuguese neurologist famous for innovating & popularizing the practice of prefrontal lobotomy - severing or destroying parts of the frontal lobes - as treatment for severe mental illness such as schizophrenia.

1/ Image By the 1960s, the practice became wildly popular, owed in large part to the efforts of psychiatrist Walter Freeman, who despite having no surgery training, travelled the US promoting the practice (w/ his own efficient procedure using an ice pick) in a garish van.

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