Dom2D ♠️ Profile picture
Creative director at @SquareEnixMTL + Designed @flinthook ✨Blog✨ ✨Art Prints✨ he/him
PavelK Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 9, 2019 24 tweets 8 min read
Tomorrow is our yearly @squareenixmtl game jam! This year, four teams are making board games! Exciting!

I made them a quick presentation on how to evolve an idea from theme to mechanics, and I'm pretty proud of that cover page. Lemme know if you'd like me to share it here! ✨ @SquareEnixMtl Alright let's do this then!
Here we go, how to get an idea from theme to mechanics, in a game jam!
(Sidenote: it sort of applies to commercial game design, but then you'd probably have to add a lot of market analysis and player expectation research steps in there)