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We are a national association of medical professionals combating the attack on our healthcare system from woke activists. Join us – and help save medicine.
Jessica Berman 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇸🇻🇸🇻 Profile picture David Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 28 10 tweets 3 min read
NEW: More #WPATH court documents have been unsealed, and the evidence is incontrovertible: @SecretaryLevine applied political pressure throughout the drafting of the WPATH guidelines in order to remove age restrictions for gender surgeries on minors. #FireLevine Image In August 2021, email traffic between #WPATH leadership and former #USPATH leadership indicated that they had “a very productive call with Rachel Levine” and that the US Health Department “is very keen to bring the trans health agenda forward.”
May 13 5 tweets 1 min read
🚨🚨BREAKING: New documents released in the legal defense of North Carolina's age limits on pediatric sex-trait modification are shocking.

They reveal that WPATH hired experts at Johns Hopkins to do a series of systematic reviews on the evidence supporting “gender affirming” care.

The researchers “found little to no evidence about
children and adolescents.” 🧵 Although this email chain was initially marked “Attorneys’ EyescOnly,” the DOJ publicly released the document in a court filing this morning.…
Mar 5 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵 There are no words to describe the content revealed in the #WPATHFiles. All of the trauma these families have experienced could (and should) have been avoided. Credit to @shellenberger for posting an extensive summary of his #WPATHFiles findings, including kids developing cancer, kids experiencing sterilization, kids adopting disordered eating, and more.

All at the hands of so-called "gender-affirming care."
Oct 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
⚠️ Medical schools are becoming breeding grounds for HATE that undermine healthcare for patients.

A 🧵 about antisemitic activity at the University of Minnesota. An offshoot of BLM, @WC4BLUMN pushes radical gender ideology and "abolition medicine & radical capitalism," among other extreme ideas.

But this week they took it further.
Jul 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
On July 13th, 21 researchers & practitioners across 9 countries (including some of the world's preeminent experts in pediatric gender medicine) published a letter in the Wall Street Journal that dramatically changes the debate on pediatric gender medicine. 1/…… The letter was written in response to a letter from Dr. Stephen Hammes, President of the Endocrine Society. Hammes claimed that childhood medical transition is backed by robust evidence. The 21 experts who wrote the letter published Thursday explicitly disagree. 2/……
Jul 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The super-woke Association of American Medical Colleges (@AAMCtoday), which gained unwanted attention this week when a made-up statistic it inserted in its amicus brief in Students for Fair Admissions was endorsed in Justice Jackson's dissent, just did a late Friday news dump. 1/ Rather than just admit they were wrong that having a black physician doubles survival rates for black newborns, they substitute a new claim and assert that they are still right on substance even if they were wrong in fact.  2/…
Jul 31, 2022 23 tweets 11 min read
You’ve probably never heard of the American Board of Internal Medicine @ABIMcert & its nonprofit, @ABIMFoundation. Why would you be aware of a behind-the-scenes association for primary care doctors? But ABIM has gone woke, and now you need to know. #abimf2022 1/ Until recently, @ABIMcert’s work focused on maintaining rigorous standards for internal medicine docs & improving the doctor-patient relationship. Primary care doctors, unlike specialists and surgeons, deal intimately with their patients on a regular basis over many years. 2/
May 5, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Breaking: With the support of @donoharm, two doctors plus 8 state AG's have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against @SecBecerra & Biden admin to rescind the admin’s adoption of an “equity” policy that rewards doctors for engaging in racial discrimination. 1/ The policy in question is a new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulation, quietly adopted last year, that provides higher Medicare reimbursements – in other words, higher pay – to doctors who adopt an “anti-racism plan” for their practice. 2/
Apr 19, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: We are excited to launch Do No Harm, a national, nonpartisan association of medical professionals dedicated to combating the attack on our health care system from woke activists: 1/ If you thought our medical schools, research institutes, and hospitals were being spared the divisive “social justice” activism that is harming so many other areas of American life, we have bad news. They’re very much under attack, and the consequences will be dangerous. 2/