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Lover of truth.
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Aug 9, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Kamala's strategy is
'Wait for Trump to implode'
Think abt that in the context of the doom msg from people on our side who parrotted MSM talking pts this week.
The msm wants you to think he IS imploding right now to HELP Kamala.
He isnt.
Lets examine this: Narrative:
'Trump is hiding this week'
Fact: Trump did an interview w/Adin seen by over 100 million people. Vance is in the Swings doing events.
Trump did several interviews
Including the presser that ran on multiple channels.
Clips from all are going viral
Rally today for Sen
Jul 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
We are hearing multiple scenarios from multiple reporters that were given to them by their Dem sources.
They dont even match.
They dont have a deal with Biden yet.
That is obvious.
And Biden, btw, is currently telling them to stuff it.
Links below. This is the Pelosi plan.

Jul 18, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Imagine for a moment the massive cognitive dissonance that millions of Americans are experiencing right now.
The past year has been jarring.
1. Bidens team indicted their political opponent and tried to take him off the ballot. This is just NOT DONE in America. It doesnt matter that they say they did it because he is a threat to the country.
But normal people understand that Biden is a threat to their economic security. And life was better under Trump. Trumps numbers went up.

Jun 11, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who is surprised with Judge Glanville's ruling today in Fulton County has ignored the issues in the Fulton County Court system for the past few years.
The judges were empowered to think they are untouchable.
Now, one went after a 'popular' defense atty. And... Then a huge amount of Attys show up to defend Steel.
Where were you when the Fulton Courts broke the law regarding election contests in 2020?
No hearing scheduled-against the law.
You missed McBurney overseeing Fani and giving her free reign.
Until...she went after Burt Jones.
Jun 7, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Accountability is a much better word than retribution.
Voters want Accountability.
The majority of voters believe shenanigans happened in the 2020 election.
That was further CONFIRMED by the DOJ using the laptop in Hunter's case.
Where did those shenanigans lead us?
I will go in order.
Vaccine mandates.
How many people lost their job because they had concerns about the C19 VX mandate.
They are being vindicated now.
Accountability can come.
Jun 7, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
This morning, I reflect on something Mark Mitchell from @Rasmussen_Poll discussed recently.
He said that Biden first took a hit in the polls post Afghanistan withdrawal, but it really went down a few weeks when FJB entered the public consciousness.
Post verdict a similar situation is happening that is shaping the consciousness of the electorate.
Two candidates. Two things are happening.
First, Trump.
Post verdict he is stronger than ever. The fundraising alone is stunning.
The support from world leaders, big donors,
May 18, 2024 90 tweets 8 min read
I am here at the @GaRepublicans Convention.
Day 2.
The day starts with a banger of a video from Trump to pump up the crowd.
It's a highlight reel of his greatest encouraging statements.
First up @JoshMcKoon reminds us of why we are here
To nominate @realDonaldTrump for Pres.

Josh tells us his goal, when elected last year, was to keep Trump out of trial in GA on election day this year.
Goal met.
May 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Something dawned on me while watching the Trump Rally preshow. Especially, when they showed the video of the Frat boys holding up the flags at UNC Chapel Hill.
Maybe its because I have been reading books from the 19th Century lately. I don't know.
Patriotism. Simple Patriotism that was considered normal for 225 years in our country scares the Left.
Singing the National Anthem, Pledging Allegiance to the Flag. Showing Patriotism scares them.
The traditions that bound us together as a country scares them.
May 9, 2024 33 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday at the GA BOE, a case came up for consideration. It was a case brought by @KevinMoncla and Joe Rossi. On the agenda, it was set under the "criminal referral" section. People were elated going into the meeting that maybe, finally, someone would be held accountable
Alas, it was not to be, once again. I am thankful that Dr. Johnston took a stand and wanted more severe penalties for Fulton. But she stood alone yesterday.
The Dems/SOS/Fulton Co want to "move on" but how can we when things from 2020 are not resolved and trust is so broken?
Apr 2, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
I listened to the DC hearing for @JeffClarkUS today.
Yes, Mr Bar attorney, there was rampant fraud and irregularities in GA as @VoterGa pointed out to you.
Brad lied about it over and over again. You called Brad corrupt multiple times. It seems even you saw it.
I wonder, Mr Bar attorney, will you call Brad to 'clear things up? Having him cross examined under oath, for once, to answer those questions would be must watch TV.

Mar 6, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
My takeaways from the GA Senate Hearing today:
1. Fani misappropriated county $
2.Fani doesn't think she has to follow GA statutes because she is a 'Constitutional officer'
3. Fani committed perjury
4. Wade was a very poor record keeper, all his timesheets were signed off on w/ No questions asked about specifics
5. Wade was paid 15k per month before the Grand Jury was asked for or approved, so what was he paid to do?
6. Floyd and Cross no longer have contracts- interesting. Why?
7. There is no record of Wade being at the Fulton Co offices, why?
Feb 29, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
Because there is a top three to replace @LeaderMcConnell I thought I would go back through their voting record for the past 4 years.

So, take a look at this 🧵and judge accordingly.
I got the information from Ballotpedia First Up @SenJohnBarrasso

Current Senate
Feb 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
After listening to the hearing in Fulton County today, it is obvious to me that the DA thought most people would accept plea deals instead of going to trial.
Harrison Floyd's attorney today showed the fallacy of her thinking.
He will fight tooth and nail.
The DA can say at every hearing RICO covers everything.
But when Mr Floyd's atty says show me the false statement, and they can't. Their case is over. When Mr Floyd says the DA said the video would prove their case, and it refutes their case, it is over.
When Ms Ruby's is asked
Feb 1, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Thoughts on James O'Keefe two latest drops.
One from a Congressional staffer, the other from a WH staffer.
1. Neither recognized him. It shows, once again, that the Left does not pay attention to Conservative news.
2. The Congressional staffer worked for a GOP Rep. And is liberal Which is not unusual, apparently. So take those 'leaks' from anonymous Congressional staffers 'familiar with' a story with a large grain of salt. They have an agenda to push.
3. The staffers shared gossip which apparently commonly known around DC. Why do I say commonly known?
Jan 27, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The saddest thing about the Fani saga is what the defendants have had to endure.
Any thinking person has known from the beginning that this was a political hit job, brought by a not so smart person.
She believed her press clippings. Yes, the press elevated her. Even after..
She was told by Judge McBurney (not remotely GOP friendly) that she did not avoid an appearance of bias in investigating Burt Jones after she campaigned for his opponent. She was removed from that case, and no other DA picked it up. She was always biased.
Jan 18, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
You should take the time to listen to this interview. Loudermilk does well in long form. He reveals a LOT about his current investigation.

1. The missing docs sent to WH and DHS were transcripts of interviews with WH staff and SS who were WITH Trump that day 2. Received redacted transcripts from WH. Congressional Docs. The WH exerted exec privilege over docs from a previous admin. Why? May bc one had this tidbit that they missed in redactions.
A staffer IN THE OFFICE with him when he learned the news said. Trump turned on the news..
Jan 16, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Lots of noise about "low turnout" in Iowa last night. I decided to look at last night vs the past 3 contested primaries: 2008, 2012 and 2016. It is worse than I thought for Ron and Nikki.
Turnout for Trump was up.
If you know how a caucus works, you will understand
🧵 Leading up to the caucus, candidates work to get "their people" in the room to vote for them.

Trump got 56,260 votes.

That is 10% MORE ppl than voted for Cruz in '16,
46% MORE ppl than voted for Santorum in '1
27% MORE ppl than voted for Huckabee in '08

Big turnout for Trump
Jan 14, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
What we don't know yet must be really bad if the AJC is fact checking Fani's pulpit speech and Politico is publishing this.
I have said for a long time. The press knows more than they tell us until they are forced to tell us.
1/ politico.com/news/2024/01/1… You are foolish if you think the Alt media didn't know about the affair. They are now reporting it was 'common knowledge' in the DAs office.
How did they not know about the divorce issues?
They had to know.
The clincher.
I keep saying this.
Dec 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts on the Lawfare against Trump.

The entire DC establishment is arrayed against him in the effort.
That is why they enacted the plan.
Indict him in specific areas that they knew they could win.
Use partisans who would do whatever it takes to take him out. Why? BC the establishment sees him as an existential threat to their existence.
But, what happened?
The American people saw what was happening.
After Smith indicted him, the first time, his poll numbers soared.
That was unexpected.
The Lawfare heated up and his #s increased.
Sep 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Icymi, today, Kash Patel's book, Government Gangters was released.
I listened to the audio version on a long road trip today.
Excellent book.
Highlights for me:
1. His work on tracking dozens of Benghazi terrorists, and why they only prosecuted one. And why it mostly failed. 2. The insurance policy revealed.
3. His reform ideas for the FBI, DOJ, DOD, ODNI, IC, FISC.
Very good ideas.
4. The behind the scenes story of the taken down of Baghdaddi was incredibly moving.
5. His utter takedown of Milley's Unconstitutional actions.
Sep 11, 2023 26 tweets 6 min read
I read the Radical Grand Jury Report that was released on Friday I posted a thread on it.

You can read the entire thread here.

But, something I read in the "report" gave me pause and made me go back and check some things to refresh my memory.

1/ The Radical Grand Jury wanted to indict people for testifying at the Senate Hearings.
Not only that, they wanted to indict the CHAIRMAN of the committee, Senator Ligon, for having the hearing and publishing the report.
Let that sink in.

2/ Image