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Classical pianist. Listen on Apple Music/Spotify/etc. Los Angeles, she/her | https://t.co/kleUZqaR82 | https://t.co/MdYMUivd4S
Oct 26, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
PSA: do not buy Schirmer’s current edition of Florence Price’s Fantasie Nègre No. 1. It’s got so many errors (wrong melody notes, incorrect harmonies, wrong registers, extra notes), I’ve already poured hours of work into checking against the manuscript, and I’m only on page 3
Photo of a line of music from Florence Price’s Fantasie Nègre No. 1. In the three measures shown, there are 5 areas, circled in red, that I have patched with white tape and rewritten with the correct notes The section shown here sounded so odd and was laid out so strangely in the hands and when I checked the manuscript it’s just…completely different notes!!! Florence even hand wrote a VERY CLEAR natural sign which Schirmer turned into a sharp, like what were they doing here
Mar 18, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
I met a composer who urged me to check out the music of Mel Bonis and when I tell you the Wikipedia article about her personal life had me going WHAT...it's wild Oil painting portrait of MĂ©... She was super talented and taught herself piano so well despite her family's discouragement that a professor bullied them into letting her attend the Paris Conservatory where she was a classmate of Debussy
Oct 14, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I'm consolidating my Patreon and Substack content (and adding the basic newsletter that audience members have been asking me to do for years)—I explained the why/how in this post

doodlyroses.substack.com/p/its-time-for… Generic graphic that Substack generated for me, showing whit I've been doing weekly posts on Patreon for about three years now and lovely things have come from it—posts have made classical music news (RIP National Sawdust Log), birthed collaborative projects, etc. but the service has increasingly left me frustrated
Oct 14, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Once Mozart had to write for a singer he disliked who moved her head up and down with the notes when she sang so he gave her an aria with a bunch of quickly alternating high and low notes so that she would bob her head like a chicken and that my friends is pettiness as art A source (can’t recall rn which book I originally read this in) operaomaha.org/blog/did-you-k… Apparently Mozart had an extreme dislike for the soprano Adr
Sep 28, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
no one tell this guy about the valuable historical pianos I've been allowed to go ham on wait til he learns how old Stradivariuses are and the fact that a bunch of violinists are out in the world wailing on them on a daily basis
Aug 26, 2021 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
There’s an unconfirmed story that Chopin and Liszt went from friends to frenemies after Liszt banged Chopin’s crush *in Chopin’s apartment* Unconfirmed because I read it in one book and have been unable to find any supporting evidence, but I want so badly for this to be true