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Astrologer, Buddhist, AF&AM. PDX. Book readings and subscribe Substack to here https://t.co/95fqOlT99p. Follow for Astrology Meditations. Kamala 2024.
Aug 11, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
@ta2jac1 @starheal A most wonderful question. In the historical texts we will read records where the ancients got it quite right. For instance, when Tiberius would throw astrologers who got the answers wrong off a cliff, but Thrasyllus saw his own death, so Tiberius spared him. @ta2jac1 @starheal However first that does not mean everything Thrasyllus predicted came to pass, it just means we have a historical record which is entertaining that emphasizes he got One Important Prediction right and it saved his life and earned him the role of Tiberius's Astrologer.
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Moon in Capricorn.
While the Moon is indeed today in Capricorn, sitting there like a child with his finger in the dyke trying to stop the flood, with an innocent yet determined look on his face, I think it is best that we speak of the flood over the cracking damn. Image Venus is opposed Pluto and with it a whole host of emotions launching us into Venus in Leo season. Why not me? you may ask, and indeed you. You are beautiful, wonderful, witty, intelligent, and brilliant. The sexiest thing ever. You be You.
Dec 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
This is a foundational point of Madhyamika philosophy from 2nd century AD India. There is no end to the dividing of particles or time into smaller and smaller units. So there is no basis for their actual existence. Phenomena is just random appearances interdependently connected through casual relationship assembled into meaning by mind.
Sep 22, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
A rant on astrologers and prediction. One of the travesties that limits astrologers, is the fear of being wrong. As astrologers our income is based on being right, so making a public prediction about a future event exposes us to a loss of income. So when it comes to events like the presidential election, good astrologers who have some capacity for examining and refuting their own underlying political assumptions , might be hesitant to make a clear prediction.
Sep 12, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Chart of Portland Oregon (astrotheme(I know some of you dog on astrotheme, but wow. this chart) Image Ruler of the Ascendant is Saturn in the 12th. Transiting Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter stellium is conjunct Saturn (Portlands Saturn Return)
Sep 7, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
What is the value of this one may ask? The value is to prevent yourself from creating an experience of self deception. The spiritual has nothing to do with the material. many of us try to profit and live off of the spiritual. They can not be the same thing, two sides of a coin. 1 is 🔽 spirit descending into matter.
Sep 5, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
My previous reading was when the two planets hit the same minute, a persuasive argument was made that one should use when the hit the same second. Here is that chart and I will redo delineations based on this chart. Image Russia: Image
Aug 23, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
A principle in Dzogchen that I have found in no other philosophical traditions is spontaneous presence. The deep explanation of which is held to be super secret, because it negates all causality, which can lead to serious errors in conduct. To this very moment, it remains the intravesrable chasm between my own spiritual view, meditation, and practice, and that of the western esoteric mystic traditions, and all other schools of eastern or indigenous esoteric thought.
Aug 7, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
In 1994 HE Kusum Lingpa, a magnificent Terton, and Martin Gashewesoma keeper of the Hopi fire Tablets met to discuss the future of humanity. I was there with fourty others. Image The topic of concern was the giant Earth serpents that control the rotation of the planet were restless and might move, causing the destruction of the current world.
Aug 7, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Today Venus will move from Gemini into Cancer. I was speaking with a beautiful woman yesterday about the importance of wit. She said "flirtation must have wit. It is not like porn, or base desires, it is a higher order where the mind is engaged in the pleasure of mental union." This struck me as the culmination of Venus in Gemini. The pleasure of mental interaction, that is quick, entertaining, and examining all possibilities with joy. When Venus moves into Cancer the pleasure changes. There is also a pleasure in nurturing.
Aug 6, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Moon Conjunct Neptune in Pisces, here in Portland it is raining. When the moon is in Pisces it is hard for me to stay focused and analytical. I loose all sense of direction as my thoughts drift towards too many possibilities and savor too many emotions. At times like this, I have to remember that one of the most useful myths astrology gives us is abiding by the nature of the times. So what if I can not be productive during a lunar transit, it only lasts a day or two, use it to explore the realm of imagination.
Jul 29, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
There is a good argument to be made that astrology was only meant to hold seasonal knowledge, giving measure to time so the right functions were carried out at the right time. Abstracting it to the personal level created the philosophy that individuals could also do such "as with the outer so with the inner", but because that abstraction can't be seen, it will never be validated by materialist and only exists within a subjective capacity.
Jul 20, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Beautiful one,
Lips of azure,
Eyes of Mithral steel,
Gaze of ice and fire,
You stand at the cross roads,
The beginning
The middle
The end
Old age
Pain The source
The pleasure
The guide
All men come from you
All men return to you
Oh beauty
The cypress
The oak
The elm
The poplar
The swaying reeds
The moon
The stars
The sea
Oh rise
Terrible and beautiful
Like tides
Like blood
Like sweet lovers words
Like old woman’s curses
Jun 16, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
Tantra is by necessity always at odds with cultural norms. Most of my friends who consider themselves tantric or of the left hand path would serve be far more so by going and getting a job at a bank or the police than they would by reading another book on astrological sex magic
Jun 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I wept
at your last breath
and saw the fire
you lit.
That final gasp,
As if the Archons
had kissed the earth
and vowed
to cleanse
poisoned fruit
from the soil,
in a mighty storm of ashes
dawn rains
to bring forth
a sweet harvest
of corn
gilded threads. I wept
as injustice
took a father from a child
and blue became
a shade of hate
and stared with cold
frozen eyes
from hell.
Innocent child,
who now would hold your hand
and hear your laughter
as your father was stolen
by the steed of ignorance
while we all
cried for mercy
May 26, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
It is an interesting philosophical problem for modern astrology to reconcile the mythological nature of planets vs their actual condition. Venus is actually hot, intenese, noxious, and soupy. Mars and jupiter maybe closer to their mythologies in terms of actual natural conditions, although neither benifics are “life promoting” in their actual temperments, vs their neoplatonic temperment values.
Mar 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Cringe worthy thing evolutionary astrologers says - “ as long as you have not learned the lesson the transit is teaching you ... “ The implication being we have some agency in the working of the gods.
Dec 25, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Exchanging Self for Others in Buddhism:
The 5th Sugata of this Aeon, called 1000 Lotuses, taught that the root cause of all suffering is self grasping. This means that we identify as having a self. From this all of our experiences of suffering arise. He further taught 84,000 methods to become free of self grasping and therefore to no longer suffer. One of the most sublime methods he taught, which has been praised by Buddhist Masters for thousands of years is called "exchanging self for others."
Dec 19, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
#twitteromancy : the art of using twitter as a form of evocative magic, employing repetition, images, collages of images, and the random chaotic nature of the timeline feed. #twitteromancy is especially useful as a form of chaos magic, where images, themes, memes, ideas, sigils, mantras, alphabetize and egregores are created by twitter mages and placed directly into the projected eschaton of the human global psyche.
Dec 8, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Song os the Christmas King:
Stanza I:

The Tenacity
Of living
Is undone
By servitude
To the wages
Of time. Stanza II:
It is not the wages
Of sin
Nor the seeds
Of virtue
That causes the oak tree
To redden and loose
Its once plush leaves

It is the shadow of December
Long in tooth
Dec 4, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
A sermon on the occult con: In the astrological, esoteric, and hermetic world, one should be careful of con artist. Some are cons on purpose and some are cons by accident. Spotting them takes about a year of reading their content. It is not that they are not intelligent, or offer legitimate takes on the occult path. It is that they promise to give you what is not earned and are seeking profit for themselves at the cost of your rational and self educating mind.