Doxie Dachsie Profile picture
Physicist/astronomer by training. Analyst by profession. Retired, mom to a rescue dachshund. Anime fan. Was considered a conservative teen.
Mar 5, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Donald Trump just made a complete mess for himself… via @PalmerReport Here's hoping that only his gullible idiot base believes this. Evolution in action will skew the entire country smarter if they do.

Everyone else: rely on facts, listen to scientists, & stay safe. The same precautions that prevent flu work here.
Sep 6, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
@maddow just revealed the hidden agenda behind Trump's diversion of military funds to his "wall". Among the cancelled projects is every initiative to support NATO in resisting PUTIN'S incursions into Ukraine & Crimea. She also revealed Russia reports that Trump has already agreed to pay Putin for that missile test program that caused last month's nuclear explosion.
Dec 1, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
@cj_disabledVet Bear with me. I'm starting to string things together.

It boils down to sanctions. Russia knew Trump & his ambitions to be president since the 90s. But Putin snubbed him during Miss Universe in 2013.

Suddenly, between then & 2015, he was amenable to Trump Miscow.

Why? @cj_disabledVet It was the Magnitsky sanctions.

Why did Russian state bank VTB HAVE to be the finance vehicle? There are other banks that aren't sanctioned like that one.

Why VTB?

Because Trump was so desperate for this deal & so unprincipled he could be used to lift the sanctions.
Jul 27, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Understanding Trump.

It's simple. No psychology necessary.

It's his world view.

He sees the world vertically. Everyone is either above him or below him.

He always punches down. He can't punch up. He kowtows to anyone above him.

That's why he wanted to be president. 1/ There's nothing higher than president.

Except one person.

The person who can destroy him financially, politically, & personally.

Vladimir Putin. 2/