dj patil Profile picture
Former U.S. Chief Data Scientist. I build things.
Mar 11, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
Some personal news after a year of working on COVID issues & what I’ll be doing next:

1/ I’m stepping back from operational duties @DevotedHealth as CTO & joined the board. The mission is 💪💯 the Tech team is 🔥💯 & our new co-CTOs are outstanding. PS, we’re hiring! 2/ Many have asked-- yes, I can confirm that I was Sr. Staff & CTO of Biden-Harris Transition & thrilled for the team that is in place. I’m proud of the plans & the team is doing💪🙌🇺🇸 work & expect the team to keep getting better!
Jun 22, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
I’ve been full-time working for COVID for 14 weeks with states and cities across the U.S. & here are my lessons-learned for us to get ready for the next wave of COVID…

Here's a quick thread -- 1/ 2/ For those that don’t know, I’ve been on leave from @devotedhealth for 100 days working up in Sacramento on a wide array of areas from modeling, data, etc. I’ve also been working with other states and many of the major cities. Here’s what I’ve found.
Jun 15, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Twittersverse, need help. Each summer by kids (10/12) get a set of questions that they research. They can use any source to find the answer. I need help on more questions. In particular chemistry, math, writing prompts, & bio.

Got ideas for me? Here are some questions I've used Here are some questions I've used in the past
-What’s the difference between a force and a torque?
-How did a giraffe’s long neck evolve
-What happens as you to the event horizon of a black hole
-What is a supernova?
-What are gravity waves?
Sep 14, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
This hurricane is incredibly dangerous and I hope that the White House is fully staffed up for it. That's from the Situation Room through all the need agencies. Given the past I'm not sure they are, so here's some advice from the tech angle 1/ Make sure you have tech people in the room. THE. SITUATION. ROOM. Don't call them after. Make sure they are at the table. Having people at the table changes the context and gives a massive advantage to solving problems