Dan Przygoda Profile picture
Award-winning journalist. Formerly with @January6thCmte. I also direct #synthwave music videos, commercials & films. Opinions my own
Diana Roby Profile picture Janet 🌈🌈🌈🦄 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 9 11 tweets 2 min read
Coffee thoughts on polling: (branding a new segment: tweets while I finish my 2nd morning iced coffee)
- For the last two years (at least) we have seen that polling has been WIDELY OFF from actual results. Why?
Part of it is methodology: sample size and sample demographic (1/x) - How many people have landlines? How many people are willing to pick up a call from an unknown number and say "Why yes! Thank you for the interruption, I certainly have 5-10 minutes to answer your survey questions!" (2/x)
Mar 25 10 tweets 2 min read
I've tweeted this story before, but feel like it's relevant again:
When I was working for NBC and they hired Megyn Kelly I publicly stated that I thought it was a huge mistake bc I believed Megyn was a racist and had made racist statements. NBC brass hauled me into an HR meeting NBC HR admonished me and said I "wasn't being a team player and was making them look bad." I said, "You're making yourself look bad with this hire, if I had tweeted or said some of the things Megyn has said, would you still hire me?"
Dec 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Attacking power stations is a common plot spread across several extremist groups. During the course of looking into and reporting on them I have seen this discussed in various channels, and there seems to have been an uptick in these discussions since 2020 (1/x) These extremist groups have the racist belief that cutting the power will trigger minorities to start rioting and looting on a massive scale and law enforcement will be so overwhelmed that the groups will be able to step in and take advantage of the situation in several ways (2/x
Jul 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Let’s finish this out strong.
#January6thCommitteeHearings If there was any question…always on brand 😎