David Keegan ♿️🏳️‍🌈 he/him Profile picture
I try to enable as much health and joy as possible. Academic family doc, settler, dkcalgary on youtube.
Oct 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
To all my colleagues in health care:

We all mourn the days before covid when we thought it was okay to not mask for the majority of our in-person patient interactions. It felt great.

Now we know so much disease is airborne and we can easily be vectors.

Covid alone doubles someone's risk of heart attack and stroke, and causes disabling disease.

Our patients need us to not harm them. "First: do no harm." Medical ethics commands us to wear respirators so that we don't unknowingly expel contagious virus into the air.

Dec 1, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
I did some black sheeping today. I was happy to teach family medicine residents (almost 200!) from @UCalgaryFamMed @UCalgaryMed about Long-COVID.

In addition to the topics in this outstanding article, we explored a key pandemic learning: that medicine isn't all that humble.

1/ That when faced with a patient who has complex and sometimes ill-defined symptoms, the correct approach is to believe and listen to them, not doubt the very existence of their condition.

Jun 15, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Dear Albertans,

The air in your health care facilities should be safe. @AHS_media is dropping its mask mandate on Monday June 19. This puts all our lives & health at risk.

Join me in fighting this. I'm seeking an emergency court injunction to stop it.

gofund.me/896d0587 @AHS_media All our patients, staff, learners and doctors need to know that the air in medical facilities is safe.

Ending mask mandates will make our air dangerous - particularly to those with cancer, immune deficiency, disabilities and other conditions.

I'm in for $1,000. Please join me.
Feb 24, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
After doing my talk for @UCalgaryFamMed on COVID-induced chronic disease, I was asked to present at a school on long-covid and kids.

Here's a video of my talk:

Indoor Air Quality in Schools

Key points:

a. good school indoor air quality decreases illness in kids and staff, and is associated with better student performance,

b. it's been firmly proven COVID-19 is airborne which means that high indoor air quality can reduce transmission of COVID-19,

Jan 24, 2023 8 tweets 10 min read

We have a deadly and disabling airborne disease just being allowed to circulate.

I now have a fever, cough, etc. I am sick. I care for patients. I am getting PCR testing, but we have to cancel/reschedule my patients booked for tomorrow and likely next week.

We have to stop pretending covid isn't serious.

We have to stop pretending covid isn't directly and massively contributing to our current health care crises.

We have to stop pretending individual protections are enough. They aren't.

Jan 12, 2023 21 tweets 13 min read
Here's a thread from today's "SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19)-Induced Chronic Disease in Primary Care" Family Medicine Grand Rounds at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary.

@UCalgaryFamMed @UCalgaryMed

1/21 Opening slide on University... Acknowledgements:

@UCalgaryFamMed CPD Team
Danielle Kiss
