Today, I attended the @UoS_Engagement showcase. It's been so great to see so many examples of diverse, inclusive & innovative ways to engage with the communities we are working with.
Presenters have been talking with local & global communities, across the lifespan. Engagement can be achieved using arts, theatre, blogs, video & more. All using high quality conversation & collaboration with key partners on health, sustainability, policy & more.
Nov 3, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
We’ve had SUCH a fantastic #ECHR2023 event! Every presentation gave us new and exciting information about the scientific understanding of hallucinations across the anomalous experience spectrum.
We also had representation from MSc, PhD, Post-doc and junior PIs
Thank you so much to @leonfrADC your lab, students and @UniLuebeck for hosting, along with @CatherineBorto1 and @aldersonday for organising!