David Ramalho Profile picture
Geek, father of two humanoids. ex-Idiot abroad 🇮🇪❤️! I fail where others succeed https://t.co/PSAQvFGmHy, https://t.co/4oesDS1WHL & https://t.co/E2NzNAaK7j
Oct 3, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This makes me very proud, let me tell you why :)

instagram.com/p/CUfTF0MIsE8/… Image As THU ramped up it’s online/digital presence during the Great Stay At Home Year of 2020 we wanted to bring a little bit more digital content into the 2021 Physical Event, but it's hard to pick what exactly to bring in.
Nov 17, 2018 13 tweets 4 min read
I've been using @Flickr since 2004. Since then they've changed hands, changed - every so slightly - in technical terms (although you can tell active development has stopped a while ago) and lost a lot of it's market over to newer platforms. The attempts to win back that market were very much Enterprisey-meets-Startup-Baloney - namely the 1TB Free Storage for no good reason and the half backed redesign. Those choices never made the impact they wanted and in fact, some of those choices have to be taken back now