Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit Profile picture
I make my living writing stuff that annoys all the right people. ITS AWESOME. Overton Window Mover Former columnist for The Epoch Times, Uncover DC
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Jul 13 26 tweets 6 min read
Watching 'The Queen's Gambit' recently rekindled the love of chess that I had back in my college days.

As a sort of hobby in my free time I've been studying some of the greatest chess games of all time.

You can find many of them listed here on this website, and even play them out yourself:… One of my favorite games to study has been the famous "Evergreen Game" between Adolf Anderssen and Jean Dufrense, a game that took place in 1852 in Berlin, Germany.

You can replay that entire amazing game and watch how it
Apr 25 9 tweets 3 min read
Remember: Chutkan has a personal axe to grind with Trump.

Trump and Barr suddenly restarted federal executions after federal judges had spent more than 18 years blocking any such executions.

Chutkan quickly leaped into action to try to block two federal executions of child murderers.

Trump, Barr and SCOTUS quickly kicked her ass. Despite her furious attempts to keep them from happening, both executions happened.

That must have left a sore spot.

I wrote about these two federal cases for @UncoverDC and @tracybeanz back in July of 2020:… Image
Apr 1 7 tweets 2 min read
I was looking in the wrong direction for a long time thanks to the Kansas City Faggot Squad and it's incessant attacks on various quickly-shifting-targets.

The targets are chosen for maximum distraction impact. The attacks aren't supposed to land, they know their attacks are bullshit. The point to to keep all the Anons distracted and busy answering the attacks.

Their real job is to keep Anons from digging into & researching Gregg Phillips and his incredibly shady past.

If the Kansas City Faggots and their sponsor think what they've been doing for 2 years now to my friends in WTM and Badlands and the Flynn family is 'hilarious', wait until they see what I'm about to do to Gregg Phillips. WHO IS...Fred Eshelman?

Why has Fred Eshelman been suing TTV for going on 3+ years now over $2.5 million he donated to TTV?

Why did Fred Eshelman ask for his $2.5 million dollar donation back?

Why did Gregg Phillips refuse to give him his donation back?

Where did the money go?
Mar 26 7 tweets 3 min read
Are you beginning to understand all the REALLY WEIRD SHIT around that Benghazi attack?

It was an NATO/CIA/State Dept. Gladio operation that was in the midst of arming ISIS.

THAT'S why no help was sent.

They couldn't have their arming/training/paying of ISIS come out in 2012. Remember, there were QRF at Signorella and other bases close by that could have come to the rescue over the 13 hours of the attack.

THEY WERE ALL TOLD TO STAND DOWN. Despite repeated requests to go in.

And they still claim that nobody could 'find' Obama for 13 hours to give the cross-frontier order.
Mar 24 4 tweets 1 min read
The people who've controlled Israel from the very beginning, and who never relinquished control of it, and who still control it from behind the curtains today, are not who you think they are.

The Israel/Ukraine door is GOING TO BE OPENED.

They were TERRIFIED Trump was going to do this during his first term. That was the reason for the first panicked and rushed Trump impeachment over the 'perfect phone call'.

He will actually do it in a second term.

Which is why they are crossing Heaven and Earth and threatening to kick off a hot WW3 with Russia to stop him.

But they are going to fail.

They can't stop it.

They can't stop what is going to happen.

They can't stop the Israel/Ukraine money laundering door from opening.

I want to be clear and on the record about that now.Image Didn't summon enough legions, Roths.

Now you're fucked.
Mar 24 4 tweets 2 min read
The Incredible Mystery Air Shield preventing ISIS’s slow moving armored convoys from being destroyed by air power for more than 5 long years?

Most people don’t even REALIZE there WAS a Magical Mystery Air Shield protecting ISIS the entire time Obama was President.

Why is that? Most people don’t ask **WHY** ISIS was able to gallivant about the area it conquered in those slow moving truck and car convoys for half a decade, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people.

Why **COULDN’T** ISIS be destroyed from the air while Obama was President?
Mar 23 21 tweets 10 min read
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score [PDCAA] is the scientific score for how well your body can metabolize and absorb various different kinds of protein.

Your body takes protein & breaks it down into amino acids in the digestion process.

/… However...


Some forms of protein the human body is able to fully metabolize, making full use of the amino acids they broken down into.

Other types of protein are only PARTIALLY absorbed.

Some digest great; others not so much.

Mar 23 7 tweets 3 min read
Some people think I'm 'cray cray' when I say the CIA/Mossad created AQ & ISIS and used them to foment terror in the Middle East that the Western powers then were 'forced' to respond to with military actions.


You just weren't fucking paying attention. They spent a book and a movie **skating crazily** around the fact Charlie Wilson was a CIA asset when helped create AQ.

That book and movie was done to sell the FALSE NARRATIVE that the CIA 'lost control' of AQ after the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan.
Mar 22 5 tweets 2 min read
You all know that prolonged bloodbath back in the 1990's/early 2000's was the Cabal taking out everybody in the rap community who wouldn't kneel down and kiss Jay Z's ring, right?

They got Tupac, Biggie, about half a dozen others. Should have gotten 50 Cent too, but by some miracle he survived. Guess what? The RAP community wasn't the ONLY community in the music biz where they ruthlessly got rid of people who wouldn't play ball with their hand-picked capos.
Mar 19 6 tweets 2 min read
"Trump let them all walk away the first time.

He'll let them all walk away again if he gets back in the White House.

Trump will be just as useless in fighting/taking down the Deep State in a second term as he was in his first term."

You know this narrative is coming, right? Ah yes, the 'plan' is for Trump to let the Deep State beat the shit out of him AGAIN if he gets back in the White House.

This explains the SHEER STARK TERROR AND PANIC you are seeing these days as their efforts to stop that from happening repeatedly fail.

Obama's just out for a stroll in the UK to visit 10 Downing Street...
Mar 15 7 tweets 2 min read
You want evidence the Trump insurgency inside the RNC is real? It's not some clever illusion?

Ladies and gentleman, I give you...

@ScottPresler!!!!!!! If the Ronna McDaniel/Mitt Romney Chamber of Commerce clones were still running the RNC?

Not only does Lara Trump not win a vote for RNC co-Chair, they never even reach out to Scott Pressler, much less offer him a job in voter outreach.

The Ronna ignored Scott for YEARS.
Mar 12 4 tweets 3 min read
Smart take at Con Inc. on the bloodbath at the RNC yesterday as the ‘Trump Cult’ continues it advance in seizing new ground in the ongoing civil war between MAGA/AF and the GOP America Last wing:

“These firings mean nothing. Trump’s been running that party for years now. These are all people that wouldn’t take a loyalty oath. Now the cult that’s been running the party for years is consolidating its’s grip.”

Think on how logically incoherent that hot take is.

The Mitt Romney clones are upset.

This was never supposed to happen.

2 years ago, the McConnell/McCain wing of the party was absolutely sure the ‘Trump cancer’ could be contained and they’d be getting back to UniParty business-as-usual by this year.

I’ve spent several hours now watching the people who’ve been desperate to save their “Conservative Inc.” brand from Trump melting down over their worst nightmare coming true. There was a reason the utterly fake “Conservative Inc.” of the UniParty Machine instantly perceived Trump as a mortal threat to expose them and their deceptive brand.

And they were RIGHT to fear him.

Because he’s spent 8 years now since he came down that golden Escalator doing EXACTLY what they were deeply afraid he would do.

Expose them all for what and who they really are.
Mar 12 8 tweets 4 min read
Besides cutting my carbs dramatically in my daily diet from 100+ grams/day to less than 20 grams on an OMAD system [that's [O]ne [M]eal [A] [D]ay for those o you in Rio Linda] where I fast for 20 hours and then eat during a 4 hour window, there's one other thing I've been doing to speed up the fat loss.

When you go between 12 and 16 hours without eating anything, you are in a fasted state where there are numerous benefits - especially if you've broken your carb addiction and don't get hungry.

You can exercise in this fasted state. Image
Mar 11 7 tweets 4 min read
Former Nazi Wolf unit commander.

Operation Gladio.

CIA/Nazis go way back.

WAY WAAAAAY BACK. Especially in Ukraine. And Prussia.

No, keep going. You’re only back to the 1960s

Keep going back.

To the 1930’s. Bush family knows what their real family name/crest is.

This is what I suspect W and Laura and Jeb were shown in the paper at the HW Bush funeral. The family coat of arms. The biggest Bush secret of all.

“They know our real name. Our real family history.”
Mar 3 9 tweets 7 min read
The biggest proof that the propaganda quacks wearing white coats with "M.D." after their names who are running around at this point **insisting** to everyone that it's way WAAAAAAY too much ANIMAL FAT in the American diet that's caused the EXPLOSION of diabesity in this country is...what?

Once you see it, you can't UNsee it.

Watch the video first, and then read my column at the link.

The video is from the deceptive propaganda film on Netflix called "What The Health?!".

In my column, I explain why the 'explanation' that it's Americans eating too much ANIMAL FAT that's caused the massive gargantuan humongous wave of diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome & chronic illnesses is not only NONSENSICAL, it's outright EVIL.

And everybody spreading that 'explanation' is a bad person and they should feel bad about themselves.

Because overdosing on refined carbs like wheat and sugar along with seed oils is literally killing millions of people around the world every year. They know this, but they won't tell anybody.… Americans **listened** to these dietary 'experts' back in the 1970's through the 1990's when they launched their jihad against animal fat and red meat in the American diet.

They **heeded** the supposedly science-based advice to cut down on eating/cooking with animal fat & eating meat.

Did that slow anything down or not? Did the rising rates of obesity & diabetes slow down?

Or did Americans keep getting fatter, coming down with diabetes and riddled with chronic ailments and illnesses?

Americans eating LESS animal fat and meat since the did NOT arrest the growing trends of diabesity and chronic illnesses.

But while they were cutting down eggs, red meat, bacon, and stopped cooking with butter, tallow & lard, they were **also** following the 'expert advice' they were given to consume MORE refined carbs such as wheat and corn in processed food products also chock full of seed oils.

That tells you right there animal fat is not the culprit.

And when people take the time to go and research this themselves, they discover WHO IT WAS who PAID for those 'scientific studies' in days of yore that convinced everybody to LOOK AWAY FROM SUGAR as the culprit.……Image
Feb 29 16 tweets 5 min read
Brief outline of my latest research into why the best thing for fat overweight people suffering from diabesity and other chronic illnesses - rike me! - are FAR better off pursuing a Keto/Carnivore diet and doing resistance training rather than the Standard American Diet [SAD] and cardio exercise.

The way to cure a chronic diabesity situation is not to continue eating carbs every day and then doing a lot of cardio.

A lot appear appear to have been intentionally confused about what cause their body to begin burning stored bodyfat for energy rather than recently eaten carbs.

Feb 27 11 tweets 4 min read
In case you've never seen it:

The Silent War can be seen underway in this clip.

Watch carefully at 1:29 of the video, as the pass of the papers is being made directly to Laura Bush, who spends several seconds looking in abject disbelief, then shows it to Jeb. You can see the pass of the documents being made at this moment, inside the red circle. Image
Feb 27 5 tweets 3 min read
I am still not buying that those envelopes 'didn't mean anything'.

I'll never forget the look of absolute terror that came over Jeb's face when he saw whatever was in that envelope the Bush family got...

I call that one the "Realizing someone just walked across your grave" look.

Laura wants George to look at her. To tell her this isn't really happening.

He won't do it.Image
I would also like to call your attention to the TIMING.

Whoever it was that wanted the Bush family to **see** and **react** to what was in that envelope...

they timed it PERFECTLY.

Just as the casket with the DELIBERATELY WRINKLED FLAG was passing by them.

Feb 26 4 tweets 3 min read
There are 168 total hours in a week. 7 x 24 = 168.

When I was 360 pounds, I was fasting only for the 8-10 hours I was asleep.

I ate multiple times per day. 3-4 times usually, at least 2 big meals and 2 snacks. Never went more than 4-5 hours when awake without eating.

On my OMAD diet I am often fasting for at least 20 hours 7 days per week. The feeding window is open for only 4 hours every day.

20 x 7 = 140 hours/week with the feeding window closed.

4 x 7 = 28 hours / week with the feeding window open. Under the traditional meal system of eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks, I was eating 5 times a day, between 10 am and midnight.

5 eating times a day x 7 days a week = 35 eating times a week, which translates to 35 insulin spikes a week.

It is incredibly easy to eat over the 2,500 calories/day on this system and create excess body fat on a regular basis.

When I switched to an OMAD/IF system, I began eating only one meal a day, and so reduced eating times per week from 35 to 7, an elimination of 28 weekly eating times.

The number of insulin spikes I was giving my digestive system went from 35 to 7, an eliminating of 28 weekly insulin spikes.
Feb 25 23 tweets 6 min read
Let's be clear about something.

Trump does his own fundraising.

He has for years.

He's is not and never has been fundraising for the f**king RNC.

I see a lot of people out there still confused into thinking Trump gives dump trucks full of $$ to the RNC.

NO, HE DOES NOT. Trump has been actively engaged in a HOSTILE TAKEOVER of the RNC for some number of years now.

I **fully understand** that many Conservative, Inc. news outlets out there HIDE THIS FROM YOU and will ARGUE ABOUT THIS WITH YOU should you bring it up to them.
Feb 17 4 tweets 2 min read
There are tons of documented evidence proving the Biden Crime Family’s bribery schemes.

If one particular FBI informant told a believable bribery story to the FBI while knowing the Biden’s were being investigated for Burisma bribery, but that particular bribe never happened, he was making it up to GET PAID, this is exactly what would happen.

He could have passed many other ACCURATE stories. To get paid. But he lied about THIS PARTICULAR BRIBE. To get paid.

Weiss would discover during his exhaustive and detailed investigation that the informant made up this particular bribe story.

Quit reacting emotionally to headlines. This is what people don’t understand about FBI informants.

It can be a VERY LUCRATIVE THING, being an FBI informant.

You hit that first big payday with the agency, handing them a story they look at and it appears to check out, you know what happens next?