Bob Phillips Profile picture
tired dad, mainly. him/he
Feb 27, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Fancy a short update on a rare infection of kids undergoing treatment for cancer?

Well - you're in luck.

@rhproudfoot and me worked with colleagues from @CCLG_UK to run a 2y surveillance study on cases of Pneumocystis jirovecii ('PCP') pneumonia ... @rhproudfoot @CCLG_UK (This is basically emailing our pals nationwide on a monthly basis)

PCP is the infection which many kids need to take co-trimoxazole (Septrin or 'Monday/Tuesday medicine') to prevent.

Exactly how rare the PCP was, or how badly it infected kids, was not well known...
Oct 25, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
It’s still dark. This is no way to start a conference #SIOP2019 At least they gave provided the worlds smallest coffee as compensation #SIOP2019
Jul 25, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
It’s the end of a 7 year journey for our @Leeds_Childrens pharmacist Rachel Boys who has completed her DPharm research project and is telling us today! Incredibly proud Rachel looking slightly abashed in a bunting decorated presentation She was funded by @CandlelightersT as well as the @LeedsHospitals to look at how we can routinely measure renal function without using complex testing
Jul 11, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
This morning we have a talk from Emma Nicklin who is undertaking a PhD project in @LeedsMedHealth looking at the supportive care needs of TYA brain tumour survivors and their care givers - the famous @Leeds_Childrens PaedOnc Breakfast Meeting The prior work of the entire world has been summarised in a #SystematicReview…
Jul 10, 2019 17 tweets 6 min read
This lunchtime is the @HealthSciYork talk by Dr Peter Knapp - lead of the @TRECAStudy - all about how we can understand why people do or don’t take part in research #KnappIsAHero He’s done 20 years of research in this area, making patient information better and more meaningful #KnappIsAHero