Dr.D Profile picture
Hi, I'm Dr.D. I'm a Step Machine. Youtube https://t.co/LwH81IJ8Ar A list of all my MFCs and links to each one can be found here https://t.co/TRMqxPUXU3
Jan 21, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
2019 was a crazy year. I'd say my biggest highlight was starting the year with 1470 MFCs and more than doubling it to hit 3000 MFCs total. Paranoia Respect BSP was 3000 done on 11/27. I'm currently at 3100 on the dot and looking forward to hitting 4000 in 2020. Time for doubles. OK, a bunch of follow up tweets coming.

Seriously, I'm so glad I was able to get this done. I made this goal at the start of 2019 and wasn't sure I'd make it. I actually went further to make sure I had 3000 total on Singles before the year ended.
Oct 24, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Not sure how many of you read my tweets in passing, but I did want to comment on a few things. I'm like CHRS4LFE in that Twitter serves as a documentation of my progress in DDR. I don't really use it for anything else so of course my tweet will focus on score updates. 1/9 With that said, at the same time I try not to spam every score I improve, far from it. I tend to only post when I get new expert/challenge MFCs, hit a milestone, or something I was particularly proud of. Hell, I only take photos or videos for the above mentioned. 2/9
Sep 21, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
I can't believe I made it!

MFC#700! 未来(ダ)FUTURE

I have lot to say so it'll take several tweet.

For the main tweet I just wanna say thanks to everyone who has supported me, encouraged me, and inspired me to achieve this goal.

What's next? Check follow up tweets! Well first I want to say thank you to @CHRS4LFE for being such an awesome guy and an inspiration. With that, I'm passing the torch to him. I'm almost my limit of MFCs on esp/csp. He's almost at 700 himself and I'll be watching and cheering him onward to 800, I know he can do it.