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Silly. Christiany. Authory. Read a free chapter of my latest book, Just Show Up!👇
joe Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I'd love to read an article on the emerging phenomenon of the Instagram deconversion post. In addition to being sad (at least from my perspective) and vulnerable, I feel like there's a certain performative nature to it, even a little self-aggrandizing. Also, as Mark Sayers has observed, these are conversion stories too. Usually the person isn't just leaving Christianity; they're celebrating the newfound joy of their faith-free life. And eventually, they often end up evangelizing for their new worldview.
Mar 3, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Ok this is a thread from my mom (that she just posted on Facebook) that I thought was interesting. And I’m glad I sort of made the list (#8) ... THE SHOCK OF BEING 70

It may seem that I should have written this a year ago when I first turned 70, but it took time for me to get used to the shock. I’ve now been in my 70’s for a year, so can write with authority.
Jul 26, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve been thinking a lot ab. fallen Christian leaders lately. Probably because, well, there have been a lot of them. It’s become cliché to say it shows there’s only one hero we can rely upon, though, of course that’s true. But it still stings. It is still painful, disorienting. I’ve seen some of the best preachers I’ve known start sleeping around. Or turn out to be massive jerks. And some who have walked away from the faith altogether. I talked to one pastor who said the guy who led him to Jesus is now an atheist.