Dr Frensor Profile picture
searching for answers from the great beyond
17 subscribers
Oct 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
“mRNA vaccines are biological weapons”

In May 2024, Dr. Francis Boyle submitted his expert opinion declaring the jabs are WMDs.

He wrote the the book on bioweapons.

Somehow I didn’t know until just now when @BlackTomThePyr8 said it.

It’s kind of a big deal. Image

Sep 4, 2024 24 tweets 22 min read
Philemon (Carl Jung's Guide)

- Origin: Carl Jung encountered Philemon during his "active imagination" sessions in 1913, after a period of intense self-exploration and visions.

- Nature: Philemon appeared as an old man with wings, a wise spiritual guide who existed beyond the conscious and personal unconscious mind, representing the collective unconscious and deeper archetypal forces.

- Communication: Jung described Philemon as more than just a figment of imagination; he believed Philemon was an autonomous entity with independent thoughts and wisdom. Philemon acted as a mentor, teaching Jung about the reality of the unconscious and the interconnectedness of all life.

- Role: Philemon introduced Jung to the concept that thoughts are not solely his own but stem from deeper collective sources. This expanded Jung’s ideas of the psyche and influenced his work on archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the individuation process.

- Influence: Philemon played a crucial role in Jung’s development of Analytical Psychology, and Jung continued to refer to Philemon as a symbolic figure of deep, ancient wisdom throughout his life. VALIS (Philip K. Dick's Cosmic Intelligence)

Origin: In 1974, Philip K. Dick experienced a series of intense visions and mystical events, which he attributed to communication with a higher intelligence he called "VALIS" (Vast Active Living Intelligence System).

Nature: Dick described VALIS as a sentient cosmic intelligence or system, potentially extraterrestrial or divine. It represented a force that transcended human understanding and controlled or influenced the fabric of reality.

Communication: Dick claimed VALIS communicated with him via a "pink light" beam, which transmitted knowledge directly into his mind. He experienced visions, revelations, and an expanded awareness of reality, time, and the nature of existence.

Role: VALIS revealed to Dick hidden truths about the universe, including the nature of time, alternate realities, and the possibility of an underlying system guiding human evolution. Dick believed this being offered a higher perspective on existence and the human condition.

Influence: The concept of VALIS deeply influenced Dick's later writings, especially in his novel *VALIS* (1981). This experience pushed him to explore metaphysical themes, blending science fiction with philosophical and spiritual questions about the nature of reality.
Aug 10, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Inside the great pyramid,
there are two copper wires
through holes drilled in stone
200 FEET down a narrow shaft.

We have 2 choices:

A) neat religious ritual
B) everything is a lie Image The block was their since construction, not placed afterwards. A human cannot fit inside there. Nobody could have drilled the holes after it’s construction.

It was part of the pyramid construction to intentionally have two copper wires go through it, into a small chamber…
Jul 10, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
1. Millions of people are currently dying from encephalitis caused by prions from the mRNA injections.

2. This can be proven just by citing existing peer-reviewed literature. It was predicted and now it’s happening.

3. Nobody fucking cares. 😔
Image Happening, as predicted. Image
Jun 25, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
Every country had a decrease in population-growth after the pandemic.

Except one. * data from United Nations and world bank. * data from United Nations and world bank.

Growth rate = birth rate - death rate Image
Mar 24, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
DefiantLs hired me to make memes.
He deleted this one and fired me.

🧵 receipts Image 2/ Image
Mar 4, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
This is an absolute nightmare.

- The mRNA injections change your cells
- Your cells are instructed to make prions
- Prions cause encephalitis (brain holes)
- Encephalitis looks just like dementia.

Now we’re seeing it in young people. Image 2 Image
Mar 2, 2024 21 tweets 5 min read
PRIONS! Omfg HOLY SH. It’s prions.

I’ve never been so unbearably saddened to have been right. This is a nightmare.

We already knew:
- spike protein codes for a prion.
- spike reverse transcribes in human tissue.
- lipid nanoparticle gets spike past BBB.

And now we know: Image This dude is on fire. He says that the Macron government and their corporate pals are hiding massive upticks in prison diseases.

And he says Pfizer considered the risks in their reports, which would make them aware of the risk, and thus lying about it.

Read some his posts.
Feb 16, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Why is this image so controversial?
Because of the date? Image 2/
People are having their accounts locked…
Because of a news headline??
Feb 14, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
WTF This is scarey.
You guys, I’m freaking out rn.

I asked chatGPT about the first legislation written by the soviets in 1917. It stopped mid response. It worked fine for other questions, then errored again on this question. And again in a new chat.

🧵it gets weirder. Image 2/
I asked unrelated questions and it worked fine. Then i asked this question again. Again it errored.

I just.. can’t believe this is fricking happening.

Just like China. Image
Feb 13, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Notice anything? Image Image
Feb 12, 2024 26 tweets 7 min read
🧵Why did so many different towns think that jews were poisoning wells during the Black Death? Image 2 Image
Feb 6, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
10 million

- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
- 6 million
= 15 million. Image 🤔
Nov 24, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🧵The Book of Enoch
but told in weird ways.

1/ Dr. Suess

In a land so ancient and skies so high,
Where Watchers descended from up in the sky.
With eyes like stars and wings so grand,
They touched down softly upon the land.

They taught humans secrets, both big and small,
From how to build to the great and the tall.
But oh, the chaos these teachings would brew,
As the earth saw things it never quite knew.

From angels and humans, the Nephilim came,
Giant and strong, never tame, never tame.
The world was in tumult, things went amiss,
So Enoch was called to fix all of this.

Up to the heavens, brave Enoch did go,
To talk to the Big Boss about this great woe.
But the answer was no, the decision was made,
A flood would come, their deeds to degrade.

Down came the waters, in torrents, in waves,
Washing the world, filling dark, deep caves.
When the waters receded, the world was anew,
A fresh start for all, for me and for you.

Enoch's adventure, from earth to the sky,
Teaches us all to reach high, ever high.
To learn and to grow, but to know our place,
In this vast, wondrous, ever-spinning space. The book of Enoch
but it's George Carlin

Have you ever heard about this Book of Enoch? It's like the Bible's unruly cousin who got kicked out of the family reunion. This book has got everything – fallen angels, giants, and even a divine flood. It's like a cosmic soap opera!

So, these angels, called the Watchers, come down to Earth. Why? They're bored! Heaven's got great clouds, but lousy entertainment. They start teaching humans all sorts of things. It's like giving a toddler a flamethrower and saying, 'Go play.'

And these angels, they start hooking up with human women. Talk about breaking the celestial code of conduct! Their kids? The Nephilim – big, giant guys. Imagine feeding one of those kids! 'Mom, I'm still hungry.' There goes the neighborhood, literally!

Then there's Enoch. This guy is like the ancient mediator. He's trying to sort out this angelic mess. 'Hey God, can we give these angels a break?' And God's like, 'No way, Enoch. You can't just go around impregnating species and teaching them heavenly secrets. There are rules!'

So, what does God do? He sends a flood. Because nothing says 'I'm sorry' like wiping out all of creation! It's the ultimate 'I told you so.'

And the moral of the story? If you're going to visit Earth, maybe just take pictures. Don't go teaching humans anything, and definitely don't start any intergalactic families. Keep it simple, or you'll end up in a book that's too wild for the Bible!
Oct 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵Story time.

Act 1/5 Image Act 2/5 Image
Oct 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The most secure
border on the planet
was wide open for hours
in a dozen different locations
on the anniversary of a big attack.

Everything else is a distraction from that fact.

Did something infiltrate Israel?

1/n 2/n

Bibi: 2 weeks ago
on stage with Elon musk

He said the judiciary in Israel has gone rogue and the country is run by a bunch of unelected judges and his current focus is to drain that swamp.

So - Did something infiltrate Israel?
Jul 31, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
It seems like everything that happens in history impacts exactly 6,000,000 persons of Jewish ancestry.

Always that same number: 6 million.
Why is that? Image Oh wow. There are a LOT of these.
Jul 28, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Serious time. Super cereal. This is nuts.

before Mitch shut down, guy 1 says something to woman 1. And she seems to respond by tapping Mitch with something as guy 1 watches carefully. Image You can believe it…
Or not believe it…

I am getting off this plane. Image
Jul 25, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
This is important. When the bad German man came to power, He first did two things:

1. Shut down all the gay bars (ran by Jews)
2. Stopped high interest loans (ran by Jews)

The obsession with sexuality was ruining German culture. And the banks were ruining the German economy.
/1 /2 after implementing these 2 laws - the German economy raged so hard that they took on the whole world and almost won.

There is no scarcity, there is only a corrupt mafia of people who are trying to profit from your destruction.

Source: The Jewish people
Jul 8, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
I AM telling you RIGHT NOW
And you can believe it… or not believe it.

That motherfocker is NOT REAL. @Celtic_Populist Oh you’re just saying — it’s definitely not the most absurd thing happening?
Jun 25, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
“After graduation he plans to work for the government.” https://t.co/UFXHP2tqj9
OMFG they are sooo busted.

A member of patriot front is ACTUALLY a political science student at a liberal school on a career path towards the feds.

This is bonkers.