Daniel Gerke Profile picture
Marxist, anthromodernist, academic. #Labour, #Momentum. Against this culture of human sacrifice. PhD on Raymond Williams and Western Marxism.
Feb 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Happy to see Paul being more critical of Starmer but the stuff on Clive Lewis and the SCG is wrong. Lewis didn't get on the ballot because there aren't enough socialists in parliament to stand two candidates; it was also generally thought the left candidate should be a woman > 2/ Paul is also wrong to suggest that there's no alternative coming from anyone in the SCG. For a start, Lewis is in the SCG, but others such as Burgon and Sultana have also been providing consistent alternatives to Starmer's approach on Covid (i.e. zero covid) and on strategy >
Feb 24, 2020 22 tweets 7 min read
For the leadership, I'll be voting for @RLong_Bailey #1 with no 2nd prefs. For the deputy: @DawnButlerBrent #1, Burgon #2, Rayner #3. For the NEC I'll back the Momentum slate. These choices are consistent, imo, with what @labourlewis laid out earlier this year [THREAD] > I recently wrote a piece for @CompassOffice which was broadly in the vein of the @labourlewis, @jemgilbert etc assessment of Lab's fortunes: we need to ditch Labourism and become a plural left party backing PR, constitutional reform, electoral pacts etc >
Jan 4, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
What is/was Corbynism? A thread:

Firstly, it was only ever called 'Corbynism' because Corbyn's leadership made possible the hegemony of a left-intellectual coalition within Labour. Corbyn's own personal belief system, which is not very systematic, was only one component of that. 7 Components of Corbynism:

1. Post-war soc. dem. (anti-austerity)
2. Pre-war soc. dem. (transitionalism)
3. Marxism (LTV + class war)
4. Methodism + utop. socialism (moralism, Bennism)
5. Movementism (green, FALC etc)
6. Anti-imperialism (non-alignment)
7. Social liberalism