Dr. Julie Gurner Profile picture
Executive Performance Coach. Doc of Psych. Compared to Wendy Rhoades of Billions via WSJ. Newsletter: https://t.co/EH1oxypq9r Inquiries: ⬇
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Apr 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
There is very little Genius out there - and the world is *not* often ruled by those who are.

It is usually ruled by people who are exceptional at *something,* and leverage that thing to great heights.

Here are 3 things you’ll see in these people & how to use them. 1/ 1. Repetitive Flex. They know…not what they’re “good at,” but what they’re “great at.”

It looks like they win at *everything,* but it’s really the same skills repeated over & over - watch for it.

Finding those areas in yourself & new ways to use them is key. 2/
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We each carry Versions.

Ways of operation & parts of who we are that we know exist, but keep from the world.

The Challenge:
- Test yourself.
- Shed your skin

Bring your ideal version of yourself forward for 24 hrs. 1/ It's just 24 hours - actually push through the crap.

The procrastination, the hesitation, the risk aversion.

Be your best version - someone who takes action, gets things done, or takes the chance.

Be that person, that version of yourself.
See what happens. 2/
Mar 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Exposure is one of the most important building blocks of success, and if you’re already doing well, exposure is a cheat code to more of it.

Exposure to different people, experiences, mindsets and unlocks.

It expands you.
But where do you get it? 1/ You can get it in person. Going to events, conferences, and being in those rooms.

Ex: Places like @Reconvene hosted by @moseskagan for real estate - I’ve heard incredible things.

Have conversations, learn from others, level up, and share. 2/
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Something easy to examine and hard to shift, are your beliefs.

What you believe sets the path of how you engage with the world around you, in every possible way.

Here are 5 core beliefs to review. 1/ 1. Beliefs around Capability. When it comes down to it, what do you really think you can do?

What can you learn, overcome, how much can you push through, and how determined do you see yourself?

What you believe you can tackle & do, sets the stage for everything else. 2/
Mar 15, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Natural Talent is a cheat code to extraordinary success...but it's not a given.

Here are 9 things that can sink even the most talented people. 1/ 1. Blame. Externalizing reasons for why things won't work out is a flag.

The people who will win, understand it rests on no one but them.

Endless excuses will crush success potential.

Be a Solver
Someone who believes they can figure it out, even against the odds. 2/
Mar 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Mediocrity creeps into so many areas of life, and in each, it is a death knell.

Here’s how to stay out of the mud. 1/ Most people expect great things, but most people don’t commit to making them great.

Two things are required:
1. Set & Hold a Standard
2. Walk Your Talk

It requires clarity, and *constant* application.
Be unrelenting.
Mediocrity is slippery & sets in fast. 2/
Mar 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Grit is the “secret sauce” of success.

...But you’ve been getting half the story on what it is, and how to use it. 1/ The original research that identified Grit, found it contained 2 main components to be *maximally* effective:
1. Passion
2. Perseverance

We focus on the perseverance only, and that’s a mistake.

Perseverance without passion is a slog. 2/
Feb 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Controversial thread:
Why relying on “discipline” is the worst strategy you can use, and what is more effective. 1/ After years in some of the highest rooms, what I’ve seen:
- Every top 1% client I have is *deeply* motivated & driven.
- You do not have to force them to achieve
- They do not have to push themselves often
- Most love what they do & have an internal drive to be the best. 2/
Feb 19, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Avoidance is a beast.
Here’s a thread on:
1. Why we do it
2. What it means, and
3. How it holds us back.

This is a nice cheat sheet, and something to challenge yourself on. 1/ 1. The why of Avoidance: Discomfort.

It’s boring, it makes you fearful, it’s just too momumental to even think about tackling…

Whatever lies on the other side of your avoidance makes you uncomfortable in one way or another. 2/
Feb 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A lot of the people I work with would say they were “born for this.”

What I’ve noticed is that this is true *across industries* - whether tech, real estate, finance, an entrepreneur in one odd niche, or even an athlete.

My findings are different than most on social media: 1/ My findings:

Great people don’t really find what they are “born to do,” they find what they are “built to do.”

Their personality, sometimes their body (athlete), their interests, natural ability, inclinations, and instincts all lock in.

It produces a phenomenal animal. 2/
Jan 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Charisma is such a fantastic trait to have naturally, but it's a skill that can be enhanced.

It gives people influence, and an impact outsized to the interaction.

Here are 5 essential elements I've seen in very charismatic people...Do you have it?
1/ 1. Easy Confidence - it's the cornerstone to charisma.

Someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, but is clearly in command of their space.

Confidence takes many forms, but this feels authentic, smooth, and unforced with nothing to prove. 2/
Jan 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A trait in the people who go on to do great things?

Paul Graham defines it as being “relentlessly resourceful.” I see it all the time.

Here’s a practical zero-to-one process to be relentlessly resourceful, if you want to set yourself up for some big swings. 1/ First → Hone in.

Understand exactly what you want to achieve.

This comes first because you lock in your target and *then* can survey resources.

You can’t match resources to a goal that isn’t clear. 2/
Jan 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Your ideas & who you are is not bullet-proof, but if your approach to whatever you want accounts for this, you’ll have a distinct advantage.

A mix that is beneficial for wherever you want to go:
High confidence, Low BS.
Risk is part of what makes life/work fun, and also what can sink the ship entirely.

You want to simultaneously have your thumb on the pulse, while leaving your trigger finger open to keep shooting.

High confidence, Low BS = Open to Adjustment. 2/
Jan 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Some personality traits are foundational to success and others are accelerators.

Here are 3 accelerators (that are a whole lot of fun) in some of the bigger clients I work with 1/ 1. They Enjoy Big Bets. It's not just that they are risk-taking, they *enjoy* the risk.

They like making (periodic) big moves, positioning deals, and these are moments they truly engage.

The adrenaline of this, is absolutely addicting. 2/
Dec 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Audacious people rise.

They try something new, they get into rooms that have “no business in,” and they make bold moves....

3 Brief things to prompt your thinking before the New Year: 1. It’s Audacity that allows you to skip steps.

To leave the job everyone stays at, or to make big asks & big moves in the one you have.

Departing from what everyone else is doing, saves years of time.

Look around & make a departure.
If you’re the same, you’re coasting.1/
Dec 11, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The 3 times you force discipline are:
- Restarting a virtuous cycle (getting back into a habit)
- Jumping into something completely new/novel
- When you have “Off days” - minimally

Forcing discipline should be a rare event.

Here's what most people get wrong: Real motivation is an internal “pull” and not a push.

It’s how some people can obsess over the same thing for years on end in their work or life...
Ex: spend their entire lives trying to solve cancer.

It compels them. It calls to them. It pulls them. 1/
Dec 10, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I often work in high stress, highly competitive environments.

A Mindset shift that’s essential:
Transforming Threat → into Challenge

Let’s talk about how to set that up. 1/ First: Understand What’s happening
There is a biological response when we step out of our zone. It’s natural & expected - it tends to throw up a threat signal.

Remember: Threat is just a warning so you are “prepared” for what is to come. It sets off fight/flight. 2/
Nov 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
How do you stop caring what others think about you?

It's an early skill that will really allow you to run.

Here are 5 steps simple enough to teach to your kid as well. 1/ Step 1: Decide who matters and who doesn't.

If you're in a healthy relationship, you can't *not care* what the other person feels or thinks. Be deliberate in who you choose.

If you don't care what *anyone* thinks, you're a jerk, but *you decide* who matters - not the world. 2/
Nov 1, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
The force of self-belief will get you everywhere.

What surprises most, is that people who are confident have very little difference from those that are not...

Here's how confident people build that mindset. 1/ There are two truths that live inside us all:
1. Unfortunate truths of what we're not so good at (genuine weaknesses)
2. Fantastic truths about objectively what we're really good at (genuine strengths)

Confident & unconfident people both know & recognize these. 2/
Oct 27, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Some of those old sayings from childhood can really level up your life.

Here are 10 pieces of wisdom worth revisiting, that you've likely heard a thousand times. 1/ “Don’t Make Decisions When You’re Angry”

People will tank their careers, cheat on their spouses, and ruin their lives because they made decisions when they were "angry."

The saying is right - Don’t do it. 2/
Oct 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
So, you're having coffee, relaxing at home, and you've done pretty well for yourself.

Power is influence. You're not done yet.

Let's talk about the mandate of giving back. 1/ There are many ways of giving back, but 3 I've seen that move the needle are:
1. Mentoring
2. Developmental Push
3. Institutional Mission

Sounds kind of boring? Absolutely not.
It's the most important work of your life. 2/