Dr Prashant Mishra Profile picture
MBBS ,MS MCh,FIACS (Cardiac Surgeon).NISM Certified XV
174 subscribers
Sep 5, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Study this company -
Valiant Communications Ltd( Some Good Points from recent business updates)Although i consider Valiant name as a high risk investment idea because of my old experience with valiant organics , some similarities between valiant organics and valiant communications are
low promotors holding
Recently promotor sold some shares.
( Disclosure - Its not my original idea )
✍️Valiant has become the 1st Indian company whose make “Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)” has been re-type test approved with latest technical specifications by the Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–National Physical Laboratory (CSIR–NPL) Based on this approval, the Company has applied for Proof of Concept (PoC) to the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. It is important to mention that PMU is a key component of “One Nation, One Grid, One Frequency” concept and smart-grid projects. PMU plays a key role in Grid Automation, Grid Stabilization and Load Management of the Power Grid. Globally, there are very few foreign manufacturers, manufacturing PMUs at present. The PMU opportunity is also of global nature. Being an indigenous manufacturer, Valiant is apparently a beneficiary of all business opportunities that are notably arising in the Indian Public Sector out of the ‘Make in India.
✍️Valiant has successfully partnered in the Indian market with Tejas Networks Limited. Both the Companies are determined to replicate their business synergies at the global level also. In a recently concluded tender at Bhutan Power, Tejas (with Valiant’s partnership) has been declared lowest bidder (L1), for which the final PO is awaited. Valiant has also partnered with Tejas and another Tata’ flagship company, for power utility markets in Australasia for multi-years contracts. Given the global reach of the Tata Group, the management is optimistic about the outcome about such opportunities.
✍️Valiant and Tejas have now partnered for the forthcoming large-scale business opportunities for their products supplies at the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) of Kerela, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Gujarat. These business opportunities are valued at over ` 100+ crores for Valiant
✍️The management expects to improve its operating profit margins in forthcoming quarters in the light of
: • Expected better product-mix;
• Earlier years supplies are entering in AMC phase now, resulting a top-up revenue for services;
• New cutting-edge technology driven products are being offered.
✍️Target IndustriesImage .officesolutionsit.com.au/blog/why-cyber…
Jun 22, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Synergy Green -Why i like this company ( No recommendation )
1- Policy change in wind energy sector. Read this

2- Bullish wind energy sector ,read this

3-capacity addition-

5- Raw Material Prices are now stabilized , so i feel with increase in capacity and stable raw material price now margins should be better. Image
Jun 9, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Ami Organics Concall ( Only imp points)
✍️ our business model is designed in such a way that the revival of the Chinese chemical industry has a minimum to no bearing on us.
✍️On the demand side, we were witnessing gradual upswing in the demand in H2 FY '23. And I believe the revival will continue in H1 FY '24
✍️Electrolyte additives- we have received approval from 6 customers worldwide. We have also received plant-scale trial commercial orders of few metric tons. And we are also expecting a bigger commercial order during the current quarter.
we have developed 2 more products in this segment. One of them is liquid electrolyte additive to increase electrocapacity of the Lithium-Ion batteries and one more additive for solid-state battery
✍️we have been able to expand the scope of our contract with Fermion, and we have added a couple of high value intermediates for the same. This means we will now be doing 3 advanced intermediates for them which increases the value of our contract manyfold.
✍️Fermion contract-( darolutamide, Nubeqa )that is a long-term contract, and it will start supplying from Q3 of FY '24. The full capacity supply will be starting FY '25. Because it is a pharma business, and it takes some time for registrations in 180 countries worldwide. So, in Q3 and Q4, it will be giving us a sizable revenue. But from FY '25, it will be giving us a full revenue, And in that contract only, we have 3 more products, and all 3 products are additional to the contract. So that will also help us to grow more in terms of numbers in the upcoming years.
✍️This product is growing unexpectedly to 200 or 300x a year. Whatever they expected in 2026, they already closed in 2023. So, it's going very fast. And the basic API manufacturing plant in Fermion is fully utilized and the intermediate which they are trying to source from us, they are currently making it in-house. They don't have any source other than us.
✍️ Baba Fine Chemicals acquisition - we are gaining entry into a very high entry barrier semiconductor industry and its products main application in photo resistance chemical in semiconductor industries and they are making very high purity chemicals, And going forward the market is more than $2 million in photo resistance chemicals,It will definitely grow more than 3x to 4x in a year,Baba Fine Chem is currently manufacturing and delivering, is exclusively for one customer. But there are more than 40 products, which are already developed and the samples of which can go to the world. Apart from U.S., other countries like Japan, Korea, etc, we have started promoting this product in those countries also.
✍️Export for the year was at 59%, whereas domestic business was at 41%.
✍️ balance sheet, we have a net debt-free balance sheet with cash and cash equivalent of around INR59 crores
✍️We are targeting this year, that the specialty chemicals segment will grow around 25% to 30% against our normal growth of 22% to 25% of our pharma segment, developed some molecule in sp chemicals with versatile applications, including electronic donor, polymer industry as well as some paint industry additive, UV Absorber, as well as some electronic industry. So, cumulatively once it is all in, it will bring a lot of large volume and large value.
✍️Capex INR200 crores plus next year.

✍️Anticoagulant Basket-Apixaban and rivaroxaban is a growth driver for us for the next 2 years because it's going to be launched. And our generic player worldwide more than 26 customers in apixaban. They are all ready to launch. And also, they won some litigation in U.K. against the originators, so that will help us to start moving very fast. In rivaroxaban, the originator has qualified us, and they started placing order in Q4 FY '23. So now we are supplying to originator as well the rivaroxaban. So, it's a very good growth driver for us in the anticoagulant segment.For Edoxaban three customers in Japan qualified Us.
✍️Ankleshwar facility is upcoming facility which will be ready by December '24 operationally. So that will come with a very huge volume, 4x volume than our unit 1 in Surat. So that will be definitely help us with our FY '24, FY '25 & FY '26 growth of pharma.( Asset turnover Normally 3 but we have high value products.)
✍️Currently, on an average basis, considering sales as a base, our working capital cycle is 108 days. And I try to bring this at 100 days. So, we are continuously working on it
✍️The advantage for Ami Organics or, say, for Indian manufacturer, is that the U.S. and other European countries have stopped buying any battery cells or anything which is generated from China. So that is an added advantage that any manufacturer based outside of China will need to have a raw material from outside China. So that is helping us to push ourselves in a faster mode of getting the orders and all.
✍️Normally, our product basket is well distributed and none of the basket is more than 15% Ami organics
May 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
See my f2f with @vivbajaj at 71 min how i identified John cockrail one year back which is now near to all time high , there is now substitute for reading and hardwork .
twitter.com/i/web/status/1… John Cockerill- Decarbonisation of steel Image
Mar 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Read about ELIN Electronics. 1drv.ms/w/s!AhKBGZ1SnP… ELIN ELECTRONICS Image
Mar 3, 2023 31 tweets 10 min read
Sealmatic india -
✍️Manufacturer of Mechanical seal for
• Pumps
• Compressors
• Rotary Applications
• Seal Supply System Components
Sealmatic designs and manufactures mechanical seals and associated products, sealing support systems mainly for the oil & gas, refinery, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, power, mining, pulp & paper, aerospace, marine and many more industrial applications.
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Bought Sealmatic today , will buy more if it decline , Company is in mechanical seal manufacturing ,
Promotor worked as a engineer in Eagleburggman before starting Sealmatic, indian market is dominated by German companies , i think Eagleburggman is no 1 in india in Mechanical seal, Bet is on promotors capability and make in india .
Feb 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Tough times never lasts but tough people do .
Recently i met a promotor in a marriage function and i heard his journey from scratch to biggest chimney manufacturer of india and i realized the pain and struggle for a startup , kudos to all businessman of our country. He started his journey as a sales executive in 1989 (steel industry) then in 2008 he ventured in to manufacturing of kitchen appliances with focus on cooking appliances and then he realized that there is a need of a startup for import substitute in kitchen appliances ,
Feb 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
If you are having any heart disease and if you want to start Ayurvedic treatment then read this .
One patient admitted under care of my friend for Aortic valve replacement surgery, on investigations patients liver enzymes were deranged with Bilirubin was around 12 . Surgery was postponed because of liver problem and patient was sent to Gastroenterologist , he started treating patient and all investigations sent and all basic causes for hepatitis were ruled out , then liver biopsy was done which showed drug induced hepatitis .
Feb 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Natural capsules ltd- ( Not a buying or selling recommendation , please give your opinion after reading my thread)
✍️Mcap 388 cr
✍️Manufacturing units 2
1- Bangalore
2- Pondicherry
Subsidiary - Natural Biogenex- 115 cr capex ✍️Business -
1- Capsule manufacturing
Capacity - 18 BCPA ( Billion capsules per annum )
Capex of 38 Cr is going on to increase capacity to 22 BCPA , Capex will be completed by q4 FY23
( Further Attempt to make new generation machine to produce 27 BCPA)
Feb 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Panache Digilife Ltd

Why this company came in my watchlist

1-      PLI in telecom - businesstoday.in/latest/corpora…

2-      PLI in laptop- livemint.com/companies/news…

3-      They are already  started laptop manufacturing for Avita – Read this thehindubusinessline.com/info-tech/comp… EV manufacturing agreement with Revamp motors.


     5 Promotor Mr Amit Rambhia is a technocrat , BE and MBA from IIM , read this

Feb 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jyoti resins - Good results 🚀 , jyoti ban gayi jwala . *Jyoti Resins and Adhesives Ltd*

*Q3FY23 Earnings highlights*

*Key highlights for Q3FY23 vs Q3FY22 (YoY)*
- Revenue stood at Rs.666 mn up 36.3% YoY
- EBITDA stands at Rs.163 mn up 147% YoY
- EBITDA Margin stood at 24.5% up 1099 bps YoY
- Net Profit stood at Rs.121.5 mn up
Feb 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Short story
Once upon a time there was a businessman who was sitting on the beach in a small Italian village.

As he sat, taking a brief break from the stress of his daily schedule, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat back into the harbour. In the boat were a few large fish Impressed, the businessman asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?” To which he replied “Oh, not so long.”

The businessman was confused, “Why don’t you fish for longer to catch even more?”
Jan 4, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
Salzer Electronics Ltd ( Only information no buy or sell recommendation)
👉Five manufacturing units located in Tamil Nadu ✍️Business segements-
1-Industrial switch gear Division -the legacy products of Company.( B2B)
Customers- GE, Schneider, EATON, ABB and Honeywell and company is a preferred supplier to GE, Schneider, and only approved supplier of Nuclear Power Corporation and the largest
Dec 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
-few days back i went to Thakur village SBI Branch for some fund transfer ,i reached there by around 12.30 afternoon and by 1.15 pm i submitted my cheque to Branch manager for sign , she told me that amount is more then 10 lac so you need to go core branch parel Then i Inquired with another employee for account transfer to thakur village from parel because parel is almost 35 km from my place , she gave me some email and told me that you send email and they will tell you how to transfer account , i asked manager is there any way to
Dec 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
According to my limited knowledge ,it is difficult to live without virus in any pandemic , second wave was horrible in our country but because of massive infection plus very good vaccination i feel probably we wont see situation like second wave again China is struggling with virus since 2020 and i feel because of zero covid strategy their immunity is not like ours hybrid immunity, i feel they will face situation like out second wave and after that probably COVID will be over , you cant avoid virus .
Dec 14, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Dynamic Cables Ltd.
( Its not a buying recommendation ,its only information)
1 -power infra cables that includes LT, HT, EHVC, Power control & instrumentation cables
2 -flexible & industrial cables, solar cables and railway signaling cables. Supply to Government Discom, Private Distribution companies, Private EPC contractors, industrial and Export clients.
Manufacturing unit-
3 manufacturing plants situated at Jaipur and Reengus
Current Revenue – FY 22 – 564 cr , Net Profit 32 cr
Dec 6, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
RIR -Ruttonsha International Rectifier( Although i dont understand this sector but still tried my best to learn ,so if you find any mistake then please comment )
✍️international Rectifier (IR) was founded in the US in 1947 to make products predominantly for power management. Mr. Ruttonsha obtained a license from IR to make the products in India, hence the name Ruttonsha International Rectifier
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
TDH Syndrome- in this bull market this Syndrome is very common, its known as Tom Dick and Harry Syndrome , its now a days common with many WhatsApp grp Admins , so if any particular grp is having some big investors then in that case admin starts thinking that he is Putin or Biden In TDH Syndrome Admin starts thinking that he can create HNIs , 2-3 days back exited from another WA grp and Admin is having TDH syndrome , he told me to contribute in WA grp or leave the grp ,everyone wants that i should write in WA grp first then twitter , why should i ?
Sep 4, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I woke up today , having dreamt early morning at 4 AM . I was in the biggest Mall of India looking to buy a pair of socks and a neck tie .
As I walked in, I noticed a sweater with a price tag of RS 9000 .Next to the sweater were a pair of Jeans for Rs.10000 . The socks were Rs.8000 ! And Tie for astonishing 16,000 /-

I went looking for a salesperson and found one in the watch Dept

He was showing a man a Rs. 225/- Rolex watch . I looked in the glass case and there was a 4 carat diamond ring also on sales for Rs.95/-
Aug 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
See the statement from Milaap , my question they did not answer, again asking them
1- what about the case , patient was discharged in July and fund raising started in August and no supporting documents uploaded, on what basis they started fund raising for 6 lac 2-In their statement they wrote that they raise fund according to estimate letter from hospitals, so is it not their responsibility to see that estimate is according to other standard hospitals, I can give any estimate from my hospital so is it not misuse of donors money