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Sep 12, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Let's consider this new "Democrat Avengers" strategy to get people to vote for Joe Biden. It's based on fanciful thinking. They claim Biden will stay his adminstration with Progressive heroes, like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, etc. We know this is not but bullshit in An attempt to persuade Milineals and others to vote for him. All anyone needs to do is actually look at good current staffing choices to see what his administration would look like. He has people that helped cause the 2007-8 financial collapse as his economic advisors. He has
Oct 10, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
I want to respond to this right-wingb talking point. There's no way, other than single payer, to get to universal coverage. This right-wing talking point that there's many ways to get universal coverage was started by think tanks designed to 1/… Stop single payer talks. No country that doesn't have single payer has universal (100%) coverage. This shows it's impossible without single payer.

When the lobbyists and think tanks have fought for more than 100 years in opposition to any single payer system, then 2/