Breast & gyn med onc @valleyhealthnj. Opinions my own. Host of INTERLUDE podcast 🎤 Co-lead @cosmocollab. Focus on survivorship and social media in oncology.
60yo 👩🏻
ER+/PR-/HER2 low met #BreastCancer
Since 2016: 3 lines of endocrine therapy including AI+CDK 4/6 inhibitor ➡️ Fulvestrant ➡️ Everolimus+exemestane
No actionable mutation
She’s referred for neoadjuvant chemotx.
🤨What treatment do you offer her?
@TumorBoardTues 2/15 #TumorBoardTuesday#BCSM
👩🏽 receives neoadjuvant chemotherapy with TCHP.
👩🏽 undergoes left mastectomy & sentinel lymph node biopsy & is found to have 12 mm of residual disease in breast.
No residual disease in the lymph nodes.