Dan Semenza Profile picture
Associate Professor @RutgersU | Director of Interpersonal Violence Research @NJGVRC | Studying gun violence and community health disparities
Aug 14, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
📢New study out today w/ Patrick Sharkey and @JuanCamiloCri10 in JAMA Open. We find that the start of deer hunting season in 800+ rural US counties is linked to an increase in shootings. 📢

What explains our findings? Read the🧵to find out (1/):

jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman… We exploited variation in the precise timing of deer hunting season in more than 800 counties in 44 states from 2014 through 2021. We created a database of deer hunting season starts and linked it with data from the Gun Violence Archive. (2/)
Jun 5, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Now that I’m set to write a book w/ @PrincetonUPress, I’d like to share a🧵on writing an academic book proposal and getting a contract. Most of us get NO training on this in grad school and the path forward is murky and complex. Here’s what I wish I would have known: (1/) There are 3 main types of books: trade, academic, and crossover. Trade = broad general audiences and you need an agent to get a contract. Academic = scholarly audiences and you sign direct with a publisher. Crossovers = somewhere in between and can be published by both (2/)
Aug 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
📢Our brand new article on concealed carry and homicide is out today in the Journal of Urban Health. The big finding? More concealed carry permits = more gun homicides. We find no evidence that CC permits stop gun deaths. More👇(1/)

link.springer.com/article/10.100… We looked at the link between # of concealed carry permits and gun homicides in more than 800 counties in 11 states from 2010 through 2019. More CC licenses issued in counties were linked to more gun homicides the following year. (2/) Image
May 30, 2022 17 tweets 8 min read
In the wake of the #Uvalde shooting, I’d like to contribute by stating what should be obvious: more guns equals more gun deaths. This is true at all levels of analysis and can help guide the policy conversation on reducing gun violence. Here is a🧵with receipts, so bear with me: First, the home. “Having a gun at home is a risk factor for adults to be shot fatally (gun homicide) or commit suicide with a firearm.” There are many other rigorous studies like this one that show similar findings.
