dudesahn Profile picture
doggo | pfp by @yamer
Jul 9, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Just checked out the old @iearnfinance staking contracts:

~30 YFI unclaimed in the original staking pools
~8.5 YFI staked in v1 staking contract
~764 YFI still staked in v2 staking contract with $750k in claimable yCRV 😬

Almost $29m in staked LPs, YFI, and claimable rewards 👇 Unsure if you might have some funds to claim?

Head to etherscan.io, and enter one of the following addresses:

• YFI Farming Pool 1: 0x0001FB050Fe7312791bF6475b96569D83F695C9f
• YFI Farming Pool 2: 0x033E52f513F9B98e129381c6708F9faA2DEE5db5
Jan 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
A bit of personal news: I've recently stepped up to help drive the future of @iearnfinance's website. While I'm super excited about producing an intuitive website experience for all DeFi users, this also means I won't have time to write my normal weekly medium posts. As for my State of the Vaults 🏦 posts, for now any relevant information will be folded into our excellent weekly newsletter, which you can always find here: yearn.substack.com

If you're interested in picking up SotV where I left off, please reach out and we can discuss!