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still not getting it.
Oct 31, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
simple answer — Lula was never labeled as elitista by the left, whereas any candidate that is center left is automatically labeled by the Filipino leftists as elitista. this is my hot take, but i’m not an expert. @JNemsingh might know better, he’s written papers and books(?) on latin american democracies
May 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
it’s always mind-boggling how we feel entitled to people’s time and effort and never the governments’.

paraphrase, the greatest trick the Marcoses ever pulled was convincing the Philippines that you can never count on the government. in a world where you can’t rely on the gov’t, it doesn’t matter who is in power, so it doesn’t matter who you vote for, so it doesn’t matter if you sell your vote for 500, 1000, 5000 pesos. a vote is worthless to you anyway.
May 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
a nationwide movement inspiring volunteerism and altruism among its followers for six months to elect what they believe is the best hope for the country, gets shut down by purportedly an election result that shows majority of voters do not agree it is not unreasonable for them to be discouraged and acknowledge that their volunteerism and altruism is not welcomed at all, and should be withdrawn as a result. it is after all, what the voters wanted.
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
similar to how 2016 PH elections paved the way for 2016 US elections, so too will 2022 for the 2022 US midterms, as well as 2024.

Marcos showed that you don’t have to grant interviews, attend debates, or even shake your supporters’ hands, to win(steal) an election. make no mistake, Tr*mp and his wannabes will be doing the same strat a few months from now, and if US media does the same thing that PH media did, that is, continue their coverage of their campaigns as if nothing was happening, they WILL win.
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
my problem is not his candidacy (the amt of votes he could and actually got never made or broke Leni’s). my problem is his supporters who campaigned for him that attacked Leni supporters and spread the same mistruths from the Marcos camp ostensibly for Leody’s campaign they were ready and willing to supplement the Marcos troll armies with their own power… for FREE! just to attack Leni and her supporters. that I can’t abide

May 10, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
none of these articles saying he is “set to win” never raise the point of the thousands of vcms that have been spoiled during election day, the number of anomalies that happened, the questionable comelec decisions. this is how you steal a democracy, with fealty from the press. none of these articles saying he is “set to win” never raise the point of the thousands of vcms that have been spoiled during election day, the number of anomalies that happened, the questionable comelec decisions. this is how you steal a democracy, with fealty from the press.
Dec 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
i’m voting for Leni bec she is a once in a lifetime candidate— who else is absent of political skeletons/baggage, has real exp, has real accomplishments, has Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time based objectives, and the diplomatic skills to confront any situation? she has gone through the gauntlet of philippine politics and survived, passed local and international audits with flying colors, is active and present in every crisis even if she doesn’t have to be
Dec 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
when you find mold, leaving it alone means it will fester, grow, and be toxic to the inhabitants.

what do you do with mold? you clean it up, spray some anti-fungal, and expose the corner it grew out of to sunlight and air. ventilation and UV exposure is the key, that's why windowless toilets are always a bad idea, never mind what the developer/seller is telling you. mechanical interventions limit its ventilation to the times you switch it on, and it is never on as long as it actually needs it to be
Dec 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
people saying “so the poor can’t have nice things?” miss the point. the Philippines, with such stark class stratification, means that you need to be sensitive with how you display your wealth, whether it be legitimately earned or not. that’s just empathy. especially if you’re someone who is gung ho about calling others elitist, don’t be surprised or ply victim when the same is said about you or your candidate when the shoe fits.