Errol Schmidt Profile picture
Tech CEO @reinteractive, Ruby on Rails, Heroku and real world AI. Building the best Rails dev company in the world with the best technologies and best people
Mar 14 6 tweets 2 min read
reinteractive delivers a comprehensive App Review for Ruby on Rails. Needless to say over the years we have found some incredible things here are my top 5 good and bad (all real examples for production apps!) (a thread) The Good!

1/An overwhelming majority of apps we review score greater than 80 on Ruby Critic test
2/a 90% test code coverage (yet to see the fabled 100%)
3/A readme so through that a new dev is able to spin up the local environment including complex dependencies measured in minutes
4/“We’ll just finish off the 7.x upgrade before you start your review”
5/"We just wanted an independent opinion on how our developers are going" (bonus points when those developers are present in your report delivery meeting and they engage like a group pairing session)