El Teton Profile picture
A Seeker of Truth, A Warrior of Light, A Student, A Teacher An Occasional A Healer. Living Life In A Non Liner Time Zone! Always Remember Your Roots! Namaste🙏
May 11, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
🙏Remember The Foundational Gifts Of This ClassRoom.
🙏Freedom Of Choice
🙏Freedom Of Co-Creation
🙏Freedom To Lead Or Follow

🙏America Was A ReIgniting Of Old School Of Wisdom!?
🙏It has had Good Leaders An Bad leaders throughout its Journey!?
🙏Do You Focus On Good Or Evil!
👇 🙏Humbly I Suggest We Are Now At Another Crossroad Or The Beginning Of Many CrossRoads!?

🙏Before Going To The Crossroads discussion let us ponder on some of the questions of past mistakes. Made by our past leaders An thus the people who followed - Elected Them To Lead Them!?