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Wielded in Fire • Purified in Fire • Cloaked in Fire • The Earthworker
Jan 13, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
There was something about the way Ushe fought. His entire face lacked a fighter’s expression.

There was no tell to his move or punches. He would look so casual and almost weak but for those of us experienced, we knew by his footwork.

It wasn’t the Ali shuffle. Watching him bounce on his feet was something else. For the inexperienced eyes, it looked like he was showing off but for us, this meant he never skipped leg day.

His Uncle, Mr. Ibezimakor had began to train him since he moved to Lagos 4 months earlier.
Jan 12, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Ushe (Not Uche)

Jalisco Field, Oshodi 1996

The atmosphere was tense as both partners paced around with fists guarding.

Both fighters were stripped to their shorts with well rimmed torsos. The scene reminded him of the pugilists of the 1800s. It was a long awaited match between Semiu better known as “Semié” and Ushe.

This was what we called him even though we knew his name. It was how the southwestern boys would spoil a name yet make it tough.

There was Chukwudi but it became Shukudi but that’s another story. Image
Oct 15, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The Prophet and A Brother

There was something unique about him right from the day he saw him. He was one of those who had touched greatness but was never far from his roots.

He was accessible and diligent. No one could ever question his wisdom and kindness to all and sundry. He was one of those who would ask you “How are you?” and would genuinely listen to what was said.

There wasn’t a disconnect with him. He was someone that would naturally carry burdens of many without making a fuss about it.

The Brother was always watching him.
Oct 11, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
The Light that Shines

Everyone was silent.

It felt like they all heard that voice that called “Ibukun”.

“When He called my name, all I knew was that everything stopped: the thoughts of suicide, the fear, the anger, the rage, the guilt, the condemnation, everything stopped.” I was pulled into His Light.

It amazed me how His voice could sound like the rushing of many waters because that was the best way to describe Him calling my name.

His Light wrapped my soul and peeled away the layers of darkness I had brought myself into.
Oct 10, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
The Light that shines

Laraba was shocked! How did she know??? Not even her husband Gozie knew of this encounter.

Immediately Ibukun said those words, Gozie turned to look at her whilst Ikenna simply smiled.

“It’s happening again.” Ikenna thought to himself. “What does she mean, Laraba? Which man appeared to you?” Gozie asked.

As this point, Ibukun began to speak.

“He also appeared to me at a pivotal moment of my life. When I met Ikenna and we got married, I thought I’d be able to escape my last sins.”
Oct 9, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
The Light that Shines…

“Ikenna! Ah ahn?! The way you mentioned the fact that killers came to your house and you hid behind your wife and no one saw both of you is too flippant.” Gozie interrupted.

“These things don’t just happen” continued Gozie “because this isn’t ordinary. Whilst Gozie was trying to articulate his thought and do what men know how to do - explaining everything away with logic, Laraba was looking intently at Ibukun.

In that look an unspoken conversation ensued and with each look, Laraba realized…
Oct 7, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
Flash Fiction: The Light that Shines.

Immediately Ikenna said he would tell a story, Gozie instinctively squeezed Laraba’s hand.

Laraba squeezed back, letting him know that she was there with him.

When my parents pulled strings to set me free, I was still a loyal man. Deep down, I didn’t want to let go of that life because the path we took was a blood oath and it was for life.

After the things we did, what could I go back to?

I had nothing.

Everyone was waiting for his next word and though the restaurant was chic, no one noticed.
Oct 6, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Flash Fiction

In their thoughts, Gozie’s phone rang. It was someone he knew but hadn’t spoken to in a while.

“Odogwu Shanghai!” The caller hailed Dozie.

“The antelope that is being shot by the hunter yet stands and chews gum” he continued!

“The karid one. Nowerly and hourly” Gozie began to laugh whilst Laraba looked on with a mixture of a frown and a smile.

“Ikenna” Gozie responded with laughter.

“This hailing reminds me of us as boys. How have you been? It’s been ages! Where are you”

“Ah ahn?! See interrogation” says Ikenna.
Oct 5, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Flash Fiction

“I slapped her” she began.

“I slapped her because of what she said. How can my daughter tell me that if I wasn’t loose when I was at her age, how did I have 2 children from 2 separate men yet married another man”.

“It stung because they were true” My life wasn’t anything to write about when I was young. I spent time ensuring I caused my parents harm.

Nothing was sacred! Drugs, weed and the occasional sleep around.

I was doing well in school but i noticed something.
Sep 6, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
To whom much is given.

The power that has been given to us upon New Birth is mainly for the purpose of others.

When Jesus walked the earth, it was the same thing because He went about doing good and healing all manners of sicknesses and those possessed of the devil. Why? For God was with Him.

The same applies to us as well. There’s an undisputed assurance that as we do as Jesus did, we begin to see that God is always with us.

Jesus said the same thing where He said “and lo I shall be with you till the end of days”.
Sep 5, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
The Light that Shines II

She had the look. The look of long suffering when you believe that all that one is suffering is as a result of a punishment from God.

Something was ravaging her body but no one could pinpoint it.

She had done tests and nothing was found. In her mind, if this wasn’t a medical condition, it had to be spiritual so when she realized she was afflicted, she instantly believed God was punishing her for her past indiscretions.

If God was punishing her then his punishment was just and she had to bear it.
Jun 30, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read

I look at people around me and I bless God for the wisdom and depth many of them carry.

Sometimes when I seat with older folks in ministry and life, I tend to listen more.

Do I have things to contribute as well? Definitely. However, it’s good to listen and learn. If perhaps you know, there’s nothing wrong in learning more.

One disaster I’ve seen in humans is when they say: I KNOW.

It’s so bad for some that when you speak around them, they begin to pick what they disagree with what you’ve said.

Their minds are shut.
Jun 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read

When Haman bright brought up the plan to annihilate the Jews, Esther didn’t get it.

Mordecai who’s had been a father figure in her life made her see the gravity of things when she gave an excuse using “protocol”.

Mordecai’s response was an eye opener. “And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.”
Esther 4:13 NKJV

In order words, your status cannot protect you from what is coming.

But he didn’t stop there.
Mar 8, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
The more you get deeper in your walk with God, one of the things you begin to learn is the wisdom of silence.

It is pride and arrogance that wants to make us talk on everything and the effect is that more harm is done than good.

This story will put the above in perspective. "Sir! She caused it. Her words are always scathing and I have cautioned her several times all to no result" He said.

His wife had reported him after he spoke some very dangerous words to her after which she was gripped with fear and anxiety following.
Feb 23, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
He was ins relationship with a lady whom he knew from his university days.

Not one of his friends liked her because they believed she was too possessive.

When she met him with friends, she would zone in on him and ignore the others.

When she saw him with another female... ... she was all over him trying to let the lady know that he was for her.

Whenever he was on a call for too long and laughing, she would snatch the phone say something rude and drop the call.

There was a time she did it but this time it was his Boss she spoke rudely to.
Feb 22, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I used to belong to the mass choir of a church in the SW of Nigeria and it was a ministry that was used heavily by God.

I had a best friend and roomie who was also a worship minister like me.

Because of our youth and dynamism there was always a demand for us to lead. The choir master preferred me so I got the lead regularly and my friend when I wasn't available.

Outside Ministrations started as well and the same thing happened to me; I was the choice pick.

My bestie and roommate started becoming cold towards me.
Feb 21, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
In 2019, I was in a vigil when the word came from God: Start a Gathering for the Saints where there would be teaching, healing and move of the Spirit.

The Spirit ensured that we started off from my parlour so we called it - The Parlour Chronicles. I remember the first meeting. All we had was a keyboard, a ring light and my Apple Airpods.

We were 28 in attendance and it was a powerful meeting.

The second meeting was almost the same, but we grew in number.

We became 56.

It was Pastor @eyitayofelix
that preached.
Jan 20, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Conversations of Truth

I spent most of my growing up years in Oshodi and it was an environment where words were spoken with reckless abandon.

It was a place that was sometimes filled with too much anger, bitterness and disappointment so you want to put it on anyone. Sometimes, parents would put it on their children and curses are established and patterns begin to operate.

So you see a child you knew growing up becoming a product of the words spoken to them.

It would take only the word of God to heal them - nothing more.
Jan 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

There are many quotes going up and down. One I have come across a lot is "Do what makes you happy".

That quote does not apply to a Believer who has the Spirit of God indwelling.

At all.

When you understand that your life was paid for by blood, you'll think twice. It's a baby that puts everything in their mouth and the fact that sweet makes a baby happy does not mean you'll pack sweet and give the child.

You and I know the end result.

Look, certain actions we have taken all in the name of "it makes me happy" have led to many issues.
Jan 19, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read

The story of Gomer in the book of Hosea is a testament that God gives second chances but when we've had a colourful past, it takes a lot for us to leave it.

It must have been hard for Hosea to accept a woman who was once a prostitute but he did because God instructed it. Gomer would leave Hosea and go back to her past but Everytime she comes back, the Lord would have him take her back.

This act was symbolic of how God takes the children of Israel after they have gone back to their gallivanting with other idols.
Jan 18, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
A Gate and Many Sieges

Yesterday, we came to understand that there is nothing that God can do on earth without the willingness and availability of humans and this applies to satan and his minions.

Whereas God seeks permission, the enemy uses guile until he finds a human vessel. It must have been a shocking thing for the devil to realise that despite his attempt at frustrating God's plan, God found another way - a woman to give birth!

Again, he laid a siege on the mind of Cain until he killed Abel even when God warned Cain.

Again, Adam knew his wife...