Erik Voss Profile picture
Film analyzer, co-host, and Head of Content for @NewRockstars on YouTube. I didn’t find Mephisto… He found me.
Jul 18, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Thanks to everyone asking how I do an Easter Egg breakdown! Here’s what I do:

Pull up the highest quality version of the content!

Prelim watch and outline!

Rewatch, frame-by-frame, and compare to other movies!

Then light the candles and bleed a pentagram on the floor… (1/9) He arrives not with a burst of flame or a growing cackle from the shadows, but from a whisper in my heart that was there from the start.

“What dost thou desire?” He rasps.

“The truth,” I whimper.
Jul 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
My favorite detail I found in Loki Episode 6: among the opening audio cacophony of famous MCU soundbites, you can hear a baby crying.

Of course, this isn't just any baby.

It's Baby Loki. They pulled the audio from the moment Odin held him in Thor (2011). I love this show. ImageImageImageImage All this and so, so much more in our full episode breakdown. Check it out:
Apr 12, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Some more Sunday night TFATWS sleuthin'! Sharon Carter may be shady as hell, but she did NOT spend *several years* hidden in Madripoor building a criminal reputation. Endgame clearly showed her among the Blip victims. She was gone for 5 years, and since then, back for six months. BUT... Sharon might not have *really* been gone, like Scott Lang, right? Nuh-uh. Scott was trapped *in another dimension*. If Sharon was hiding on Earth, the Avengers would have found her, like they found Hawkeye, or how poor Mr. Harrington eventually found his runaway wife.
Jan 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This is an EXCELLENT question. When it comes to authorial intent, I always try to acknowledge it, but I don’t consider the author to be the final authority. Art’s meaning ultimately belongs to the masses. If a conflicting interpretation is backed by evidence, let’s hear it out. Often my takes are disputed. That’s OK. For Tenet, I argued that two characters are actually the same person at different ages of their life. Despite the evidence, some argue Nolan didn’t intend that. I would argue he loves to play coy and keep tops spinning. So why not?