Ebele Light Profile picture
May 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The curriculum of the pulpit’s ministry to the pew cannot be regulated by secular trends.

It’s a very slippery slope, and is almost always a sure-fire way to operate out of alignment.

In fact, both pulpit & pew must be WARY of being tutored by trends. It’s becoming worrisome. This new slang comes out and all of a sudden, we are all saying it.

This new thing is trending and all of a sudden, we are building sermons out of/around it.

I fear that in a bid to be “culturally relevant”, we’re losing tact.
Sep 1, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
What we lack by our inability to cultivate intimacy with the Lord in the Secret Place, we will try to make up for by using movies, music, books, celebrity gossip, social media and other worldly goods.

We will call it “boredom” but our hearts are seeking to fill a God-shaped void that only God Himself can fill.

The “joy of salvation” is such a foreign concept among believers today. It is why we are always looking for “the next best” things to watch and the latest skits to laugh at.