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Building 8 figure businesses https://t.co/1w37PXU25k | co-owner https://t.co/EQ7LS0uFqR
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Jun 13 24 tweets 7 min read
The most productive man alive:

Cal Newport.

His books have sold 2M+ copies, he has a PhD from MIT, and he doesn't work past 5 pm.

Here's his secret to Deep Work: Image I used to spend hours doing tasks that were supposed to take 5 minutes.

But when I started my now 7-figure agency, I needed to change something.

That's when I learned what deep work was and how to focus on command.

Here's Cal Newport's protocol for deep work:
May 28 20 tweets 5 min read
I just read about a phenomenon I can't stop thinking about…

The Cobra Effect: Image A bit about me:

I run a 7-figure agency helping e-commerce brands scale to 8-figures with paid marketing.

In my free time, I love digging into phenomena that most people have never heard of.

This is one of my favorites— let's dive into The Cobra Effect:
May 23 25 tweets 7 min read
I’m 33.

When I was young, I wasted years drinking, smoking, and being a degenerate.

Then I discovered Naval Ravikant and he changed my life forever.

Here are 20 teachings from the wisest person of this century (that will change your life too): Image Thanks to Naval's wisdom— I turned my life around.

I now run a 7-figure agency and live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

Here are the 20 teachings that changed my life:
May 21 21 tweets 5 min read
I’m obsessed with learning how to learn.

So, I spent 100+ hours studying how Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and Naval Ravikant absorb information.

Here’s what I found on becoming a learning machine: Image A bit about me:

I run an 7-figure agency helping e-commerce brands grow with paid marketing.

In my free time, I love looking into fascinating people and seeing what I can learn from them.

Here's what I found on learning how to learn:
May 16 14 tweets 4 min read
If you don't understand how to negotiate, you'll never be truly wealthy.

Here's how to always get what you want (according to the FBI’s former top kidnapping negotiator): Image Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Take your time and actively listen to the other side first.

Gather intel by asking probing questions before stating your case.

According to former @fbinegotiator, patience is power in any negotiation.
May 14 13 tweets 4 min read
This is Elon Musk.

He has an IQ of 155, taught himself how to code at 10, and picked up rocket science at 32—without a degree.

I had to know how he thinks.

How to think and reason like the top 1%: Image @elonmusk breaks problems down to their fundamentals. He calls it "Reasoning from first principles."

Rather than assuming things have to be the way they are, he asks: What are we absolutely sure is true? What can we rebuild from there?

It's the physics approach to business:
May 9 14 tweets 4 min read
This is the luckiest graphic designer in history.

She spent 17 hours designing the Nike logo. What happened next will surprise you.

Here’s the story of how a $35 gig turned into $1 Million: Image In 1971, Nike was a nobody company called Blue Ribbon Sports.

They were scrappy underdogs trying to compete against Adidas and Puma.

Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight started it to distribute Onitsuka Tiger shoes from Japan to US runners.
May 7 17 tweets 5 min read
Albert Einstein once said:

"Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought."

Here's how to make sure you never run out of creative ideas: Image Nothing is original. Every new idea is just a remix of previous ideas.

As André Gide put it, "Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again."

Embrace influence instead of running from it.
May 2 20 tweets 6 min read
Look at this guy.

• He delivered pizzas at Pizza Hut
• Dropped out of uni
• Sold supplements out of his parents' garage

Now, he's worth $1.3 Billion—at 31.

The story of the youngest billionaire you've never heard of: Image @BenFrancis1992 learned the virtue of hard work at an early age.

His granddad laid furnaces for a living and he always took Ben to work with him.

Between mixing cement and laying bricks, he dished out business lessons.

Lessons that would shape Ben's future.
Apr 30 17 tweets 5 min read
I used to be broke and lazy…

Now, I do deep work for 6 hours a day and make $50,000/month.

7 sentences that helped me 10x my self-discipline like a Stoic: Image Self-discipline is a daily practice, not a one-time achievement

A great example is Lou Gehrig. The baseball player had a 2,130-game streak, showing the day-to-day grind of discipline.

Despite broken bones, Gehrig showed up every single day, deciding he was in charge.
Apr 25 15 tweets 5 min read
James Clear's work will change your life forever.

His work takes 100s of hours to read. I've gone through it so you don't have to.

12 ideas to upgrade your habits: Image Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.

Small actions repeated consistently lead to outsized results. A 1% improvement each day compounds to 37x improvement in a year.

"Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations."
Apr 23 16 tweets 5 min read
I'm 33.

When I was young, I wasted years drinking, smoking, and being a degenerate.

Then I discovered Steven Bartlett, and he changed my life forever.

7 lessons from Britain's youngest self-made millionaire ($2 million worth of advice in 2 minutes): Image Burn your boats

When @StevenBartlett dropped out of university at 18, he shoplifted pizzas to feed himself.

He had no safety net and no rich parents to fall back on.

It was either success as an entrepreneur or failure. There was no Plan B.
Apr 18 17 tweets 5 min read
Look at this guy.

He’s a millionaire who went homeless as a social experiment.

His goal? Prove that anyone can make $1M in 12 months with just a phone.

The story of Mike Black and what happened next: Image In 2020, @theMikeBlack1 made a bold move.

He drained his bank account to zero, left his 7-figure business, and went homeless.

All to prove that anyone can come back from rock bottom and inspire others. He publicly committed to the challenge.
Apr 16 18 tweets 5 min read
This is Masayoshi Son.

He was the richest person in the world for 3 days.

He once secured $45 billion in funding after a 45-minute meeting.

Then lost $70 billion overnight, the biggest personal loss in history.

Here’s the story of the billionaire you’ve never heard of: Image Masayoshi Son grew up in Japan, where he was considered an outsider due to his Korean heritage.

Bullied by classmates, the young Son became determined to succeed. By middle school, he had already decided on his life plan:

To become Japan's most successful businessman.
Apr 4 21 tweets 7 min read
If you don’t understand marketing, you’ll never be truly wealthy.

Here’s what you need to know about how Apple does killer marketing that always makes billions: Image Speak The Customer's Language

Apple doesn't bore you with specs and jargon—they focus on benefits and experiences.

They say "Retina Display," not "high pixel density." "1000 songs in your pocket," not "5GB of storage."

Nobody cares about the technicality, only the outcome.
Apr 2 27 tweets 7 min read
This is Elon Musk.

He runs 5 billion-dollar companies, has 11 kids, and still has time to sh*tpost on Twitter.

I had to know how he manages his time.

Here’s what I found: Image Time is the very fabric our lives are woven from. How you spend your days is how you spend your years.

We each have around 4,000 weeks in our lives—which is not a lot.

The best time managers recognize the scarcity of this resource:
Mar 29 27 tweets 8 min read
I’m obsessed with learning how to think.

So, I spent 100+ hours studying how Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and Naval Ravikant think clearly.

Here are 21 logical fallacies to avoid if you want your reasoning to be airtight: Image Ad Hominem

Latin for "to the person."

An ad hominem fallacy attacks the arguer, rather than the argument itself.

It insults the individual, questions their motives, and calls their character into question—in the hopes of diverting from the actual reasoning.
Mar 22 23 tweets 7 min read
The root of procrastination isn’t laziness, it’s fear.

If you struggle with procrastination, read this: Image Every time you put something off, you're flooding your system with toxic stress hormones.

This chronic stress:

• Weakens your immune system
• Disrupts your physiology
• Puts you at risk for illness

Procrastination literally makes you sick.
Mar 20 24 tweets 7 min read
Elon Musk once said, “It’s possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.”

This doesn’t happen because of their intelligence, net worth, or their background.

It’s something much more simple: Image Growing up Asian, hard work and achievement were everything.

Like everyone else, I thought the greatest achievement was landing a cushy corporate job.

But as I grew older, I knew I wanted more.

I just didn't know what that "more" was yet.
Mar 19 24 tweets 8 min read
Someone once asked Steve Jobs what his secret to making a successful product is.

His answer will surprise the sh*t out of you.

Here’s what he had to say: Image Connect the Dots

Jobs dropped out of Reed College after just one semester, but his hunger for knowledge led him to audit classes that piqued his curiosity.

One of those classes was calligraphy, where he learned about typography, serif and sans-serif typefaces, and more.
Mar 12 21 tweets 6 min read
The most addictive drug in the world isn’t cocaine, weed, or sugar.

Here’s what it is (and how to break free): Image Comfort is the most seductive thing in existence.

It lulls you into a false sense of security, numbing you to your full potential and making you forget your dreams.

But that’s not the worst part.