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🇬🇧 in 🇨🇿. Tweets about Prague streets, one by one. They're gradually being transferred to https://t.co/NPnvNyk7Qo too.
Sep 29, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 1 street name, day 31: Vlašská. Image 2) Way, way, back (as in ‘invading Macedonia in 270 BC' way back), there was a Celtic tribe.known in Latin as the Volcae.
Dec 25, 2022 28 tweets 4 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 49: Varšavská, built in 1884. 2) Until 1926, this was Kollárova, after Ján Kollár (1793-1852), Slovak poet, archaeologist, politician and renowned Pan-Slavist.
Dec 24, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 48: Uruguayská, built in 1884.

Celebrating Christmas today? Your gift from me is that you get to watch me trying to spin this one into a thread. 2) Until 1931, this was Dobrovského, after Josef Dobrovský (1753-1839), philologist and theologian credited with founding both the modern written Czech language and Slavic linguistics.
Dec 23, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 47: Záhřebská, built in 1872. Image 2) Until 1880, this was Hrabova, after Josef Hraba (born 1815), a hotelier who owned the land upon which the street was built (and who died the year before it was).
Dec 1, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 25: Chodská, built in 1889. 2) From 1940 to 1945, this was Grimmova, after Jakob Grimm (1783-1863), co-author of the Deutsches Wörterbuch, co-editor of Grimms' Fairy Tales, writer of Deutsche Mythologie and the elder of the Brothers Grimm.
Nov 30, 2022 23 tweets 8 min read
1) What’s in a Prague ‘street’ name, day 24: Sady Bratří Čapků, created (sort of) in 2016.

Inverted commas because this is the park I was asking about over the weekend. 2) This was part of a larger park, opened in 1903, and, originally called Městský sad (City Garden) until 1928.
Nov 29, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 23: Kladská, built in 1896.

Kladsko in Czech is Kłodzko in Polish - a town of just under 27,000 people in Lower Silesia. Image 2) First mentioned in 981, its name derives from the Czech word kláda (log), as its first bridges, houses and fortifications were made of wood.

In time, this also gave the Polish language its word for footbridge, kładka.
Nov 21, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 15: Blanická.

Horní (Upper) Blanická was built in 1889; Dolní (Lower) Blanická was built in 1896. They became one street in 1948. 2) From 1940 to 1945, this was Schlözerova, after the aristocratic von Schlözer family, which included August Ludwig (1735-1809, a historian) and Dorothea (1770-1825, the first woman in Germany to receive a doctor of philosophy degree).
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Was just transferring Day 64 of the Prague 3 series (Olgy Havlové) to my website, and decided to see if any episodes of Originální Videojournal were available on YouTube.
Episode 3 is, and covers the protests on Škroupovo náměstí in December 1988: While ČT's 2011 series about Originální Videojournal is still available to watch (at least in the Czech Republic), and now I just want to cancel all my immediate plans so I can watch the entire thing.

Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Otázka pro CZ-type people: jaké tipy byste dal někomu, kdo se chce naučit kdo je kdo (politicky, kulturně atd.) v této zemi (i na Slovensku)?

Nemluvím o historických postavách – už se o nich hodně dozvídám – ale o současných. 2) Mám předplatné Respektu a Reportéra (a měl bych je číst častěji) a také se snažím poslouchat Vinohradskou 12 a 05:59... Je ještě něco, co bych měl dělat?

Asi bych měl častěji sledovat třeba ČT24 - jsou nějaké konkrétní pořady nebo časy, které by byly nejužitečnější?
Nov 20, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 14: Polská, built in 1900. 2) Until 1940, it was Nerudova, after Jan Neruda, journalist, writer, poet, art critic and figurehead of Czech Realism. More on him when I get to Prague 1.
Nov 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1) When life throws you Elons, make websites.

Less cryptically: whatsinapraguestreetname.com now exists! Image 2) I'm currently reposting everything I've posted on here since April, starting with the outer reaches of Prague 3.
Nov 19, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
1) What’s in a Prague 2 street name, day 13: Anny Letenské, built in 1896. Image 2) Until 1945, this was Ve Pštroce. Pštroska, also spelt Pštrosska, was an estate, including a vineyard called Křížovka, that was located round here. It was purchased by Jan and Babetta Pštross and 1815, and demolished in the late 19th century, partly to create Riegrovy Sady.